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The Root of Darkus

The Root of Darkus (#163)
The Root of Darkus ENG 163 SR SG.png
If a Scan Icon.png (Look at the top card of your deck. You may either keep it at the top of your deck, or place it at the bottom of your deck.) or Scrounge effect allows you to look at this card on top of your deck, you may reveal it to give a Bakugan +300 Icon-power.png & +3 Icon-damage.png.
Series: Geogan Rising
Card Type: Baku-Gear Card

link=Bakugan Darkus/Ventus

Energy: 5 Battle Planet Energy Symbol.png
B-Power: +500 Icon-power.png
Damage: +5 Icon-damage.png
Armor Rating: 0 BAA Shield Symbol.png
Set: Secrets of the Geogan
Serial: 163_SR_SG
Rarity: Super Rare
Artist: Unknown

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