Category:Ability Cards
This is a list of all Ability Cards from the Legacy version of the Bakugan franchise.
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Pages in category "Ability Cards"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,387 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A Flash to Destroy Evil
- A Hand Up
- A Sleek Jab
- A Sleek Jab (28/60vv)
- Ability Buster Zero
- Ability Counter
- Ability Repeat
- Ability Revive
- Ability Scope
- Abisomega
- Abisomega (U14/18tF)
- Accelerak (Card)
- Ace and Baron
- Ace's Double Luck
- Advanced Exostriker
- Advanced Mandibor
- Advanced Slycerak
- After Wars
- Agro Relic
- Air Battle
- Air Force
- Alice's Surprise
- Alpha Percival Cyclone (Card)
- Alpha Power
- Altair (C12/18tF)
- Altair (U12/18tF)
- Aluze (C12/12tS)
- Aluze (C14/14tT)
- Aluze (R7/7tS)
- Aluze (S14/14rF)
- Aluze (U12/12rF)
- Aluze (U12/12tS)
- Alva
- Ambush Power
- Amplify Power
- Anchorsaur (U17/18tF)
- Anemoy's Call
- Anniversary
- Apexeon (Card)
- Aqua Aquas
- Aqua Cyclone
- Aqua Reverse
- Aqua Transformation
- Aquos (Card)
- Aquos 2
- Aquos Hex
- Aquos Hex (Japanese Card)
- Aquos Invert
- Aranaut (Card)
- Armor Pierce
- Armor Pierce (11/16so)
- Armored Intense Mode (Kōbu・Gekisōbu)
- Armored March
- Atmos (C18/18tF)
- Atmos (U18/18tF)
- Attract Copper
- Attract Silver
- Attractor
- Aurora Vortex
- BA008-AB-EG
- BA010-AB-EG
- BA011-AB-EG
- BA269-AB
- BA270-AB
- BA271-AB
- BA272-AB
- BA273-AB
- BA274-AB
- BA343-AB
- BA353-AB
- BA354-AB
- Back Fire
- Back Shake
- Backdraft
- Baku-Tech Flare Shoot
- Bakugan Shooter
- BakuMeter Blast!
- Balance Echo
- Baliton (Card)
- Baliton (Japanese Card)
- Baliton Shoot
- Banish Trickery
- Barias Gear (18/32ra)
- Barias Gear Lightning
- Baron's Double Luck
- Bathed in Light
- Bathed in Light (A15/45tT)
- Bathed in Light (Japanese Card)
- Battle Dark Marionette
- Battle Gear Set Up!
- Battle Marionette
- Battle of Infernal Forces
- Battle Over
- Battle Tactics No.1
- Battle Tactics No.2
- Battle Tactics No.3
- Battle Turbine (21/32ra)
- Battle Turbine Frain
- Battle Void
- Battle!Battle!Battle!! (BTC171)
- Battle!Battle!Battle!! (BTC246)
- Beautiful Thunder
- Bee Striker (Card)
- Beginning Field
- Big and Bright
- Big and Mysterious
- Big and Solid
- Big and Windy
- Big and Windy (14/60vv)
- Big Brawl
- Big Switch
- Biginer's Luck
- Bind! Gaga Garyu!
- Blackout Cannon (Burakkuauto Kyanon)
- Blan de Electric
- Blan Power Charge
- Blast Storm
- Blaze
- Blight Wall
- Blind Judge
- Blinding Reflection
- Blinding Reflection (Japanese Card)
- Blow Back
- Blue Blaze (Card)
- Blue-Green Combine
- Blue-Green Combine (Japanese Card)
- Body Blow
- Boil
- Boil (18/60vv)
- Bolcanon (Card)
- Bonds of Black Metal (BTC0010)
- Bonds of Black Metal (BTC283-AB)
- Bonds of Gren
- Bonds of Zero
- Bonus Shot
- Book Of Power 1
- Book Of Power 2
- Book Of Power 3
- Boomix Rock
- Boost All
- Boosted Dragon (BA001)
- Boulder Crush
- Boulderon (Card)
- Brachium (25/27ma)
- Brachium Shoot
- Brainwash
- Braxion (Card)
- Breezak (Card)
- Breezy Sneak
- Bright and Darkness
- Bright Earth
- Bright Earth (Japanese Card)
- Bright Eyes
- Bright Light
- Bright Torch
- Bright Torch (Japanese Card)
- Brightening Earth
- Brilliant Night
- Brontes (U10/18tF)
- Bronz Launcher
- Bronze Boost
- Brushfire
- BTC390-AB
- BTC417-AB
- BTC418-AB
- BTC418-AB (Animated Version)
- BTC419-AB
- BTC420-AB
- BTC421-AB
- BTC422-AB
- BTC423-AB
- BTC430-AB
- BTC433-AB
- BTC456-AB
- BTC465-AB
- BTC468-AB
- BTC469-AB
- BTC476-AB
- BTC479-AB
- BTC480-AB
- BTC481-AB
- BTC514-AB
- BTC515-AB
- BTC516-AB
- BTC517-AB
- BTC520-AB
- BTC523-AB
- BTC523-AB (Animated Version)
- BTC524-AB
- BTC525-AB (Animated Version)
- BTC526-AB (Animated Version)
- BTC527-AB
- BTC528-AB
- BTC529-AB
- BTC531-AB
- BTC542-AB
- BTC546-AB
- BTC558-AB
- BTC614-AB