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Haos Maxodon (Fusion Force, Epic Character)

Revision as of 21:54, 12 November 2020 by SyntaxTsundere (talk | contribs)

[[Category:Character Cards with two Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.png BakuCores]]

BBP Haos.svg Maxodon
Maxodon ENG 230 EC FF.png
When you attach a Baku-Gear to this, you may reroll this Bakugan.
Card Type: Epic Character
Series: Armored Alliance



{{Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.png}}

{{Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.png}}

B-Power: Icon-power.png 600
Damage: 5 Icon-damage.png
Set: Fusion Force
Serial: 230_EC_FF
Artist: Unknown
Base  • Epic

Hyper (Does Not Exist)  • Titan (Does Not Exist)  • Maximus (Does Not Exist)

Diamond (Does Not Exist)

Featured With


  • This is one of two epic character cards to be released in the same set as its regular character card, the other being the Armored Alliance version of Aurelus Howlkor Ultra.
  • This card uses the same card art as the second print of the Maxodon Character Card, rather than that of the first print.