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Pyrus Arcleon (Secrets of the Geogan)

BBP Pyrus.svg Arcleon

Arcleon (Pyrus Card) ENG 195 RA SG.png

Arcleon (Pyrus Card) ENG 195 RA SG PROMO.png

Double Strike Icon.png (This Bakugan deals twice the damage printed on Victor)
Card Type: Geogan Card
Series: Geogan Rising


Energy: 1 Battle Planet Energy Symbol.png
B-Power: Icon-power.png 900
Damage: 2 Icon-damage.png
Set: Secrets of the Geogan
Serial: 195_RA_SG
Rarity: Rare
Artist: Unknown

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  • This card can be played with any Pyrus Arcleon from Bakugan: Geogan Rising. It is currently unknown if it can be played with any other Pyrus Arcleon toys.