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MAC Spider

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You didn't find my wolf so scary earlier? Let's see how you like my spider!
Shadow Prove introducing MAC Spider, Shadow Attack
MAC Spider
MAC Spider Bakugan form.png
Attribute Darkus Darkus
Power 700 Gs
First appearance Shadow Attack

MAC Spider was a Mechanical Bakugan used by Shadow Prove in Bakugan: New Vestroia after the destruction of his previous Guardian Hades. It aided the Vexos by taking two of the six Attribute Energies from the Battle Brawlers and was annihilated later on by Helios MK2.




As its name suggests, MAC Spider's entire design was akin to that of an arachnid, though it only had six legs compared to an actual spider's eight. It possessed a fully vertical optical sensor for extended vision. Each of its six legs were barbed and were armed with extraneous needles. MAC Spider was remarkably quick for a Mechanical Bakugan and couldits legs to encompass an opponent and trap them. Its abdomen had with two jagged spikes and housed devastating triplet cannons. Its most powerful abilities were presumably Spider Cannon and Mega Terror Impact.


Bakugan: New Vestroia

After Hades was destroyed by Alpha Hydranoid in Shadow Attack, Shadow unveiled MAC Spider so that he can finish the brawl with Hydranoid and Fourtress.

In Elfin On the Run, Shadow Prove used MAC Spider again against Preyas and Minx Elfin, and was aided by Dryoid.

In Ambush, MAC Spider was used again, this time alongside Aluze against Knight Percival and Minx Elfin.

In Mylene's Meltdown, MAC Spider made its final appearance in a battle with Helios MK2.

Ability Cards
  • Wild Close: Nullifies the opponent's ability.
  • Mega Terror Impact: Subtracts 300 Gs from each opponent and adds 100 Gs to MAC Spider.
  • Spider Net (Squeeze Play): Subtracts 300 Gs from the opponent.
  • Tarantula Needle: Subtracts 300 Gs from each opponent and adds 400 Gs to MAC Spider.
  • Spider Cannon: Subtracts 400 Gs from each opponent and adds 400 Gs to MAC Spider.
  • Blaster Needle: Subtracts 300 Gs from the opponent.


  • Much like Hades, MAC Spider's strongest abilities often left it vulnerable to attack. The most notable one was Mega Terror Impact, which relied on shocking the opponent to keep them in place while charging a precision strike. Helios MK2, having already activated a FARBAS ability, was able to resist the electrocution and fire a blast upward through MAC Spider's body, which ultimately destroyed it.


  • Its Mega Terror Impact was similar to the Adzam's Leader Weapon from Mobile Suit Gundam.
  • MAC Spider was the only one of the Vexos Mechanical Bakugan that successfully took more than one of the Attribute Energies on its own (it took both the Aquos and Darkus Energies in separate appearances).
  • MAC stands for Mechanical Armed Cannon.

de:MAC Spinne es:MAC Spider pl:MAC Spider