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List of Bakugan: Evolutions Bakugan

Revision as of 07:16, 5 November 2021 by SyntaxTsundere (talk | contribs)

This page contains a list of Bakugan that were released during Bakugan: Geogan Rising.


Core Bakugan

Core Bakugan are the standard Bakugan, the ones that are not Bakugan Ultra.

Returning Core Bakugan

A number of Bakugan from previous seasons returned in Evolutions.

Battle Planet

Armored Alliance

Geogan Rising

All of these are only known under the Platinum Variant.

Bakugan Ultra Bakugan

Returning Ultra Bakugan

These Bakugan are versions of molds from previous seasons that never ended up being released that are getting a proper release in Evolutions.


Returning Geogan