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Template:Geogan Rising Starter Set Mix 1

Image Bakugan Included BakuCores Included Character Cards Included Ability Cards Included
Secrets of the Geogan Pyrus Fenneca Ultra Starter Set.png
  • #19 Battle Planet Fist BakuCore.png: +2 Icon-damage.png
  • #33 Battle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.png: +5 Icon-damage.png
  • #58 Battle Planet Magic Shield BakuCore.png: -400 Icon-power.png
  • #81 Battle Planet Fist BakuCore.png: +100 Icon-power.png. Aquos , Pyrus : +3 Icon-damage.png
  • #87 Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.png: Pyrus , Ventus : +400 Icon-power.png
  • #87 Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.png: Pyrus , Ventus : +400 Icon-power.png
Secrets of the Geogan Darkus Falcron Ultra Starter Set.png
  • #20 Battle Planet Fist BakuCore.png: +3 Icon-damage.png
  • #64 BakuCore Helix Symbol.png: +300 Icon-power.png. +3 Icon-damage.png
  • #82 Battle Planet Fist BakuCore.png: +100 Icon-power.png. Pyrus , Ventus : +3 Icon-damage.png
  • #82 Battle Planet Fist BakuCore.png: +100 Icon-power.png. Pyrus , Ventus : +3 Icon-damage.png
  • #85 Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.png: Darkus , Ventus : +400 Icon-power.png
  • #86 Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.png: Aquos , Pyrus : +400 Icon-power.png
Secrets of the Geogan Haos Sharktar Ultra Starter Set.png
  • #27 Battle Planet Fist BakuCore.png: -3 Icon-damage.png
  • #56 Battle Planet Magic Shield BakuCore.png: +600 Icon-power.png
  • #59 Battle Planet Magic Shield BakuCore.png: -500 Icon-power.png
  • #82 Battle Planet Fist BakuCore.png: +100 Icon-power.png. Pyrus , Ventus : +3 Icon-damage.png
  • #85 Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.png: Darkus , Ventus : +400 Icon-power.png
  • #86 Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.png: Aquos , Pyrus : +400 Icon-power.png