Gold Boost

From The Bakugan Wiki

Gold Boost (ゴールド・ブースト Gōrudo Būsuto)

35q JPE b.png

Only Aqua and Subterra may use this ability. Use during the battle.
Your Bakugan can get the judge point; Aqua +80 and Subterra +100. If you are battling on the gold gate card, you may get the judge point; Aqua +160 and Subterra +200.
Series: Bakugan: New Vestroia
Type: Blue Ability Card
Attribute Bonuses:
Pyrus.svg Pyrus: -
Aquos.svg Aquos: 80
Subterra.svg Subterra: 100
Haos.svg Haos: -
Darkus.svg Darkus: -
Ventus.svg Ventus: -

Featured With[edit]

Gold Boost (ゴールド・ブースト Gōrudo Būsuto)

AC142-AB-JP A40-45tT.png


(Water Attribute / Earth Attribute Exclusive Ability Card. This ability card is used during battle.)

自分の爆丸は、水属性は+80、土属性は+120のジャッジポイント A を得る。ゲートカード(ゴールド)でバトルになった場合、水属性 は+180、土属性は+220を得る。

(Your Bakugan gains +80 Judge Points for Water Attribute and +120 Judge Points for Earth Attribute. If the battle occurs on a Gate Card (Gold), Water Attribute gains +180, and Earth Attribute gains +220.)

Series: Bakugan: New Vestroia
Type: Blue Ability Card
Attribute Bonuses:
Pyrus.svg Pyrus: -
Aquos.svg Aquos: 80
Subterra.svg Subterra: 120
Haos.svg Haos: -
Darkus.svg Darkus: -
Ventus.svg Ventus: -

Featured With[edit]

Gold Boost (ゴールド・ブースト Gōrudo Būsuto)

AC210-AB-JP A27-32rF.png


(Water Attribute / Earth Attribute Exclusive Ability Card. This ability card is used during battle.)

自分の爆丸は、水属性は+80、土属性は+120のジャッジポイント A を得る。ゲートカード(ゴールド)でバトルになった場合、水属性 は+180、土属性は+220を得る。

(Your Bakugan gains +80 Judge Points for Water Attribute and +120 Judge Points for Earth Attribute. If the battle occurs on a Gate Card (Gold), Water Attribute gains +180, and Earth Attribute gains +220.)

Series: Bakugan: New Vestroia
Type: Blue Ability Card
Attribute Bonuses:
Pyrus.svg Pyrus: -
Aquos.svg Aquos: 80
Subterra.svg Subterra: 120
Haos.svg Haos: -
Darkus.svg Darkus: -
Ventus.svg Ventus: -

Featured With[edit]