Template:Faction Box

From The Bakugan Wiki
Icon Name Element Colors
BBP Pyrus.svg Pyrus Fire Red, Orange, Dark Red, and Yellow (EV).

Red, Orange, Black, and Lime (Pre-EV)

BBP Aquos.svg Aquos Water Blue, Teal, Orange, and Yellow (EV)

Blue, Cyan, Black, and Orange (Pre-EV)

BBP Haos.svg Haos Light White, Silver, Light Cyan, and Yellow (EV)

White, Azure, Grey, and Turquoise (Pre-EV)

BBP Ventus.svg Ventus Nature (Wind & Earth) Lime, Dark Green, Dark Red, and Yellow (EV)

Green, Lime, Black, and Yellow (Pre-EV)

BBP Darkus.svg Darkus Darkness Black, Magenta, Silver, and Mint (EV)

Black, Purple, Grey, and Lime (Pre-EV)

BBP Aurelus.svg Aurelus Energy Yellow, Gold, Bronze, and Silver (EV)

Gold, Silver, Black, and Metallic Dark Grey (Pre-EV)

Bbp allfaction.png All-Faction All Clear, Silver, Gold, and Red