Tripod Theta (Japanese Card)

From The Bakugan Wiki
Tripod Theta (トライポッド・イプシロン Toraipoddo Ipurishon))

BA626 44q JP(Eng).png

Only Tripod Theta may use this ability. Use during the battle.
Put Tripod Theta on the gate card during the battle. Choose one attribute mark from it's body, and add the judge point according to your choice. After the battle, put it on the used ability slot.
Series: Bakugan: New Vestroia
Type: Green Ability Card
Attribute Bonuses:
Pyrus.svg Pyrus: N/A
Aquos.svg Aquos: N/A
Subterra.svg Subterra: N/A
Haos.svg Haos: N/A
Darkus.svg Darkus: N/A
Ventus.svg Ventus: N/A

Featured With[edit]


  • In Japan, Theta is called Epsilon.