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Myriad Hades (Card)

Myraid Hades

13ah Myriad Hades.jpg

BA734 GA KR.jpg


Players with a Myriad Hades in their used or unused pile can swap that Bakugan with the one in this battle.

All Bakugan with "Hades" in their names double the Gate Attribute bonuses they receive.

Series: Bakugan: New Vestroia
Type: Gold Gate Card
Attribute Bonuses:
Pyrus.svg Pyrus: 50
Aquos.svg Aquos: 250
Subterra.svg Subterra: 100
Haos.svg Haos: 200
Darkus.svg Darkus: 80
Ventus.svg Ventus: 130

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  • Although these two cards share a name and art, they have completely different effects and Gs.