List of Gate Cards in the Anime
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The following are the Gate Cards used in the anime:
Season 1[edit]
The Gate Cards from the first season consists of Attribute, Command, Special Command, and Character Cards. These are the following:
Attribute Cards[edit]
- Attribute Normal (G-Power Boost): Adds 300 Gs to any Attribute Bakugan on the Gate Card.
- Pyrus Normal: Adds 30/80/100/150/200 Gs to all Pyrus Bakugan on the Gate Card.
- Aquos Normal: Adds 30/80/100/150/200 Gs to all Aquos Bakugan on the Gate Card.
- Haos Normal: Adds 30/80/100/150/200 Gs to all Haos Bakugan on the Gate Card.
- Subterra Normal: Adds 30/80/100/150/200 Gs to all Subterra Bakugan on the Gate Card.
- Darkus Normal: Adds 30/80/100/150/200 Gs to all Darkus Bakugan on the Gate Card.
- Ventus Normal: Adds 30/80/100/150/200 Gs to all Ventus Bakugan on the Gate Card.
Character Cards[edit]
- Character: Doubles any Bakugan's G-Power if it is the correct corresponding Bakugan for the card.
Command Cards[edit]
- Additional Task: The last Bakugan to stand on the Gate Card is sent back to its owner, and must be replaced by a different Bakugan with a higher G-Power.
- Aquos Hazard: Turns all Bakugan on the field to Aquos attribute.
- Bare Hands (Revive V2): Restores your Gate Cards.
- Biohazard: Turns every Bakugan on the gate card except Subterra to the Aquos Attribute.
- Cheering Battle: Allows another Bakugan to come into battle, but only adds the last two digits of its Gs to your total.
- Double Battle: Adds one Bakugan to the field from both players' sides.
- Energy Merge (Energy Grab): Transfers 100 Gs from the last Bakugan to stand on the Gate Card to the first Bakugan to stand on the Gate Card.
- Excellerate
- Final Judgment: All Bakugan with a different attribute than the owner of this card automatically have their Gs reduced to 0.
- Fire Storm: Adds 100 Gs to any Pyrus and Ventus Bakugan.
- Grand Spirit: Adds 50 Gs to your Bakugan for every Gate Card on the field.
- Hyper Merge: Transfers 100 Gs from the opponent's Bakugan to the user's.
- Joker's Wild: If there is a Darkus Bakugan in the battle, it wins automatically.
- Level Down: Subtracts 100 Gs from any Bakugan with 400 Gs or more.
- Magma Fuse: After the battle is over, all other Gate Cards and Bakugan are sent back to their owner.
- Mine Ghost: When two Bakugan stand on the card, no matter which side they are on, they are defeated.
- Peacemaker: The first player to stand a Bakugan wins the gate card. All Bakugan will return to their owners.
- Positive Delta: Subtracts 200 Gs from any Light Bakugan (Pyrus, Aquos, and Haos) if you are using a Dark Bakugan (Ventus, Subterra, and Darkus). If the opponent is using the same type (Light or Dark) of Bakugan as you, your Bakugan loses 200 Gs.
- Quartet Battle: The battle is placed on hold until the card has four Bakugan.
- Quicksand Freeze (Frozen Quicksand): The Bakugan that wins on this Gate Card remains on it without being removed.
- Reinforcement (Forcement Wind): Your Bakugan's G-Power increases by 100 times the number of other Bakugan on the field with the same Attribute.
- Reloaded: Adds 100 Gs to the user's Bakugan for each other ally Bakugan on the field.
- Revive: The winner of the battle's defeated Bakugan are all able to be used again.
- Scapegoat: The player who first stood a Bakugan decides if the battle shall end or continue. If they choose for the battle to end, the other player wins the gate card and all Bakugan will return to their owners.
- Stray Shot (Battle Sham): Defeats the Bakugan on the next card if there are two Bakugan on this card that are on the same team.
- Subterra Hazard: Turns all Bakugan on the field to Subterra attribute.
- Third Judgment: The battle can only start when there are three Bakugan standing on the Gate Card, and ends only when one Bakugan is left standing, even if any of them are on the same team.
- Trade Off: If a Bakugan on the field is over 400 Gs, it automatically loses.
- Transformation: Your Bakugan's G-Power becomes equal to the highest G-Power Bakugan in your hand.
- Triple Battle: The battle is placed on hold until a third Bakugan is thrown onto the Gate Card.
- Warlock: Cancels any of the opponent's abilities.
- Warp Gate: Warps two Bakugan from one Gate Card to another.
Special Command Cards[edit]
- Anastasis (Androstasis): After the battle ends, if there are any players who have been eliminated, they recover all of their defeated Bakugan and rejoin the game.
- Gate Close (only named in the Japanese version): All Bakugan on the entire field are returned to their owners. The player who first stood on this card wins the card.
- Intercept: The battle is placed on hold. The next player to throw a Bakugan onto the card automatically wins.
- Supernova (Pyrus): Swaps the G-Power of both sides.
Season 2[edit]
In this season, Character Cards are not used. Instead, the first arc only uses Reactor cards, which is the successor of the attibute cards from the last season. Due to the fact that these are the only Gate Cards used in the first half of the season, they are always played face-up. In the second half, Gate Cards are now played face-down again like they were in season 1 due to the greater variety of cards. Characters start to use Command Cards again and in BT: The Final Battle introduced Battle Gear Boost Gate Cards.
Attribute Cards[edit]
- Reactor: Adds 50 - 500 Gs to all Bakugan with the same Attribute you said.
Command Cards[edit]
- Land Pressure: Subtracts 200 Gs from each opponent and prevents them from moving.
- Spotting Out (known as Devour in the dub (episode 28 only)): Subtracts 500Gs from any Bakugan with the attribute you said.
- Active Ghost: Defeats any opponent Bakugan.
- Silent Land: Prevents the opponent from activating anymore abilities.
- Change Link Force: Reverses the opponent's ability effect.
- Element Merge: Transfers 200 Gs from the opponent to your Bakugan.
- Phantasm (Phantasmorphic): Subtracts 100 Gs from each opponent and petrifies them, disabling movement.
- Ring Zero (Rank Zero/Frame Zero): Nullifies the opponent's abilities and freezes them in place.
- Forcement Enemy: Adds 100 Gs to each of your Bakugan for each Bakugan on your opponent's side.
- Flat Power: Brings all Bakugan G-Powers back to their base levels.
- Transducer: Transfers G-Power from the opponent to your Bakugan by 50 Gs per second.
- Battle Release: Returns all Bakugan on the field back to their owners.
- Power Pressure: If the opponent's Bakugan has more than 400 Gs, they cannot move or activate abilities.
Battle Gear[edit]
- Enemy Resetter: Nullifies all of the opponent's abilities and activates the level 2 class Battle Gear Ability. (For Helios MK2)
Season 3[edit]
Command Cards are still used in this season, although Reactor gate cards are now used sparingly. The Command Cards from the previous season are still used.
- Freeze Enemy: Subtracts 200 Gs from the opponent and prevents them from activating abilities.
- Enemy Down: Subtracts 300 Gs from each opponent.
- Battle Audience: Changes the attribute of your Bakugan to any attribute you want, nullifies the opponent's ability and subtracts 500 Gs from all opponent Bakugan who don't have the attribute you said.
- Saver: Nullifies the opponent's ability if you are using a Bakugan with the attribute you call out. (Unless the Bakugan is Pyrus.)
- Silent Hanger: Prevents the opponent from moving, and transfers 500 Gs from the opponent to your Bakugan.
- Apoptosis: Reduces all opponent Bakugan's Power Levels to 100 Gs. (For Phosphos)
- Healing Up: Adds 300 Gs to each Bakugan on your team.
- Explode: Nullifies the opponent's ability and brings all Bakugan on your side to their base level(s).
- Misty Solitude: The opponent's Bakugan can't hear anything from their owner; therefore, they can't use their abilities. (Should the owner get close enough to affected Bakugan, they can use abilities again)
- Ansamon Judgement: Brings all opposing Non-Ventus Bakugan to 0 Gs.
- Random Meinzer: Transfers 200 Gs from the opponent to your Bakugan.
- Evil Clear: Nullifies each opponents' ability.
Battle Gear[edit]
- Capacity Booster (Power Flatter): Brings all Bakugan back to their base level and activates the level 2 class Battle Gear Ability. (For Helix and Lumino Dragonoid)
- Ruby Storm: Adds 400 Gs to Rubanoid and activates the level 2 Battle Gear Ability. (For Rubanoid)
- Gear Barricade: Deactivates the opponent's Battle Gear and activates the Level 2 Class Battle Gear ability. (For Plitheon)
- Solomon Sabreur: Nullifies the opponent's ability, subtracts 200 Gs from each opponent, and activates the Level 2 Class Battle Gear ability. (For Aranaut, Castle Knights)
- Power Ditch: Transfers 500 Gs from the opponent to your Bakugan and activates the Level 2 Class Battle Gear ability. (For Akwimos)
- Silent Stalker: Prevents Dharak from activating abilities, and activates the Level 3 Class Battle Gear ability. (For Sabator)
- Triumph Burning: Nullifies all of the opponent's abilities, returns the opponent's Battle Gear back to their owners, and activates the Level 2 Class Battle Gear Ability. (For Krakix)
- Gaia Enforcement: Prevents the opponent from activating any abilities and activates the Level 2 Class Battle Gear Ability. (For Coredem)
- Anger Sign: Subtracts 100 Gs all other Bakugan on the field and activates the Level 2 Class Battle Gear Ability. (For Contestir)
- Zeno Weakness: Decreases the opponent's G-Power, nullifies their abilities and blocks them from activating new ones, and activates the Level 2 Class Battle Gear Ability. (For Lumagrowl)
A Closed Interspace/Earth Gate Card For Gundalian Invaders
A Closed Neathian/Gundalian Gate Card for Gundalian Invaders
Season 4[edit]
Command Cards are once again still used in this season, and Reactor Cards are completely phased out. In addition to the Command Cards from Seasons 2 and 3 still being present, newer, more powerful cards that alter the game or battle in some way are now present. In the second half of the season, Gate Cards are completely absent with the exception of the series finale End of the Line.
- Audience Enhancer: Alters the battlefield to make it more advantageous for your Bakugan for the rest of the game.
- Heetmon Meinzer: Increases your Bakugan's power level.
- Pyrus Enforcement: Nullifies the opponent's ability if you are using a Pyrus Bakugan.
- Darkus Nebulous
- Wrecker Freeze: Prevents the opponent from using any abilities they have already used during the battle.
- Dry Delta: Prevents any Aquos abilities from being activated.
- Field Lock: Prevents the opponent from sending in other Bakugan.
- Clip Freeze: Stops the opponent from moving no matter how fierce their attack is.