
From The Bakugan Wiki

Ventus Cimoga (Open).png

BAA-Cimoga anime.png

Faction Ventus Ventus
Faction Variations Haos Haos
Baku-Gear Sword Bow
Geogan Mutasect
Power 600 Bs

Cimoga (シモーガ, Shimōga?) is a six-bladed serpent-like Bakugan that debuts in Bakugan: Armored Alliance. A Ventus Cimoga is Calloway Storm's main Bakugan partner.

In Bakugan: Geogan Rising a Haos version is wielded by Jenny Hackett.

Two Cimogas also appeared in Bakugan: Evolutions: a Haos variant used by a member of the Gate Crushers, and a Ventus villager in Vestroia.


Cimoga is a nasty Ventus Bakugan who is partnered with Phantom Thief Calloway Storm. This slick serpent Bakugan is quick and agile. His Special attacks include: Shower of Swords and Clasp Cutter.[1]


Bakugan: Armored Alliance[edit]

Physical Game[edit]

Armored Alliance[edit]


Cimoga Bakulog
Card Image Faction B-Power Damage Rating Paired BakuCores Included In
Cimoga (Pyrus Card) ENG 188 CC FF.png

Pyrus Cimoga (Open).png

Pyrus Cimoga BEV (Open).png

Pyrus Pyrus Icon-power.png700 3 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Fist BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Fist BakuCore.png
Cimoga (Aquos Card) ENG 169 CC AV.png Aquos Cimoga (Open).png Aquos Aquos Icon-power.png400 5 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Fist BakuCore.png
Cimoga (Haos Card) ENG 222 CC AV.png Haos Cimoga (Open).png Haos Haos Icon-power.png600 3 Icon-damage.png BakuCore Helix Symbol.pngBattle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.png
Cimoga (Ventus Card) ENG 197 CC FF.png Ventus Cimoga (Open).png Ventus Ventus Icon-power.png200 2 Icon-damage.png BakuCore Helix Symbol.pngBakuCore Helix Symbol.png
Cimoga (Darkus Card) ENG 202 CC AV.png Darkus Cimoga (Open).png Darkus Darkus Icon-power.png300 7 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Shield BakuCore.png
Cimoga (Aurelus Card) ENG 161 CC FF.png Aurelus Cimoga (Open).png Aurelus Aurelus Icon-power.png700 1 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Shield BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Shield BakuCore.png



Cimoga Bakulog
Card Image Faction B-Power Damage Rating Paired BakuCores Included In
Cimoga (Darkus Card) ENG 31 CC LE.png Darkus Cimoga BLE (Open).png Darkus Darkus Icon-power.png 200 6 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Fist BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Fist BakuCore.png

Trading Card Game[edit]

Armored Elite[edit]

Fusion Force[edit]

Shields of Vestroia[edit]



  • Cimoga's name was created by the winner of the first (2018) Bakugan Invitational, Cimoooooooo.
  • Cimoga's open ball form bears a resemblance to that of Laserman from the classic series.
  • Cimoga is the only non-fusion Bakugan from Armored Alliance to not have any Evo cards released for it.


Physical Game[edit]

Character Art[edit]


