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Alternate Timeline

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The Alternate Timeline is a different version of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers timeline in Blast From the Past. It is what would have happened if Mechtavius Destroyer was successful with his plan to drive the Bakugan to extinction, as well as anyone who opposed him.

Bakugan city alternate.png


Alternate Timeline

In this timeline, Mechtavius Destroyer destroys Bakugan City and kills everyone inside, as well as everyone on New Vestroia and his next targets were Vestal, Neathia, and Gundalia (this is assumed, since the Current of Time showed images of those planets' destruction). The Battle Brawlers could not stop it from happening since they were trapped in the Doom Dimension, since Mechtavius Destroyer sent them there instead of killing them, as he preferred to extend their suffering.

Regular Timeline

In this timeline, Dan and the others traveled back in time to prevent Mechtavius Destroyer from causing the alternate future. Betadron and Worton sacrificed themselves so the others can head out of the time warp just before Mechtavius Destroyer flew off to destroy Bakugan City. Mechtavius Destroyer was killed in the final battle, erasing the former timeline from existence.

Characters and Bakugan who were involved that lived

Characters and Bakugan who were involved that died