Blade Tigrerra

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Blade Tigrerra reporting for duty!
Blade Tigrerra, Play Nice Runo
Blade Tigrerra
BK CD BladeTigrerra.jpg
Attribute Haos Haos
Power 450 -> 500 Gs
Variations Tigrerra
Blade Tigrerra
First appearance Play Nice Runo
Voiced by Atsushi Ono (Japanese)
Stevie Vallance (English)

Blade Tigrerra, Blade Tigress (ブレードティグレス, Burēdo Tiguresu?) in the Japanese version, is a humanoid tiger-like Bakugan and the evolved form of Tigrerra. She is the Partner Bakugan of Runo Misaki.


Blade Tigrerra evolved from Tigrerra. Standing on its hind legs, Blade Tigrerra can judge the right moment to pounce on foes. Blades all over Tigrerra's body gleam with menace to intimidate her foes. When provoked, Blade Tigrerra's strong, sharp fangs can shred an opponent in an instant. Blade Tigrerra is Runo's guardian.[1]

Bakugan Official Handbook[edit]

Forget about claws! Blade Tigrerra is ready for battle with a body studded with super-sharp blades. The evolved form of Tigrerra, this tigerlike terror walks on two legs.[2]

Bakugan: Ultimate Handbook[edit]

When Blade Tigrerra evolves, she can stand on her hind legs. This allows her to better lock in her opponent's position on the battlefield. When Blade Tigrerra pounces, she slashes at foes with her sharp claws, long fangs, and the curved blades that protrude from her body.[3]


Bakugan Battle Brawlers[edit]

Runo Misaki's Haos Tigrerra became a Haos Blade Tigrerra after evolving. She took on this form when she and Runo went to the Doom Dimension, in an attempt to rescue Dan and Drago. When she and Runo were forced to battle a younger version of Dan and Lars Lion, she was almost defeated. Fortunately, Runo was able to confess her feelings, which allowed Tigrerra to evolve into Blade Tigrerra.[4] When Dan was battling everyone to help Drago evolve, Tigrerra wanted to battle Drago but was afraid that with Shun and Storm Skyress before them, she may not get her chance, so she requested that they battle first, which everyone was okay with. She lost however.[5] She has been in multiple battles since then, mostly in order to restore Vestroia. She stayed in this form up to the point where she must return to Vestroia.[6]

Ability Cards

Bakugan: New Vestroia[edit]

In the first episode of Bakugan: New Vestroia, Blade Tigrerra is seen as one of Baron's Bakugan battling with Mega Nemus against Viper Helios. She was defeated trying to defend Baron's Partner Bakugan, Mega Nemus.[7] Blade Tigrerra was later turned into a statue and stayed there for most of "New Vestroia." She was the second to last of the Six Fighting Bakugan that were captured.[8] It was her capture that prompted the Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia to send Drago back to Earth to get help.

Also, at the beginning of the first episode, when the Bakugan are being turned in to balls by the Dimension Controller, Blade Tigrerra in the background.[9] Later she is freed along with the rest. Runo and Mira used Blade Tigrerra and Magma Wilda against Mylene's Macubass and Lync's Aluze after the Resistance travels back to Earth. However, Tigrerra lost defending Wilda against Macubass with the ability Hyper Velocity Fang.[10]

Before the rest of the Brawlers tried assaulting the Alternative Weapon System after Spectra did, she and Hammer Gorem announced that, due to the fact that they're not evolving like the others, they wished to stop brawling because they considered it foolish to put their partners in danger.[11] It is unknown where she was during Gundalian Invaders, but she is most likely alongside Runo.

Ability Cards

Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge[edit]

Sometime before Mechtanium Surge, Tigrerra returned to New Vestroia.

Blade Tigrerra appeared for the first time since New Vestroia as Aerogan's mistress. Tigrerra wishes Runo and the other brawlers luck and to stay safe no matter what.[12]

She appeared with the army of Bakugan trying to protect New Vestroia from Mechtavius Destroyer. She and Aerogan were the last to be destroyed by Mechtavius Destroyer.[13]

Because the Brawlers used the Current of Time to go back and destroy Mechtavius Destroyer before he killed her, she is now either living peacefully on New Vestroia or has reunited with Runo.

Ability Card

Ability Card (Bakugan Video Game)

  • Velocity Fang: Adds 200 Gs to Blade Tigrerra.

Physical Game[edit]


G-PowersThe listed G-Powers are what we know exist. "N/A" means we do not have any confirmation of a Bakugan existing, not necessarily that none exist. If you have a Bakugan that is not listed here and would like to add it, please upload an image of it and the G-Power for verification.
Pyrus.svg Pyrus N/A
Aquos.svg Aquos N/A
Subterra.svg Subterra 460 Gs (Japan), 480 Gs (Japan), 500 Gs (Japan), 650 Gs, 750 Gs
Haos.svg Haos 340 Gs (Japan), 360 Gs, 380 Gs (Japan), 550 Gs (BakuBox)
Darkus.svg Darkus N/A
Ventus.svg Ventus 450 Gs, 580 Gs
Clear N/A

North America[edit]

The Haos version has 550 Gs in the BakuBox. The Ventus version has 580 or 450 Gs in the season 1 booster packs.


In Japan, the Haos version in BST-03 comes with 340 Gs or 380 Gs.

Trading Card Game[edit]

Image Card Name Card Type Card Series
BA135 GA SM lightburst F.png
Light-Burst Silver Gate Card 3/48
BA239 AB SM tigerra.png
Tigrerra Green Ability Card 44/48b
BA310 GA blurred heat 19d.png
Blurred Heat Copper Gate Card 19/48d
Deka Haos card.png
Deka Haos Gold Gate Card 4/6deka
BA371 GA 24 GBL.png
Cursed Mirror Copper Gate Card 24/48e
16q Flash Hurricane.jpg
Flash Hurricane Gold Gate Card 16/48q

Video Games[edit]

Bakugan Battle Brawlers[edit]

Blade Tigrerra is available in the video game Bakugan Battle Brawlers. Haos Blade Tigrerra is unlocked after beating Runo in a battle royal with no Haos Bakugan.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Battle Trainer[edit]

Blade Tigrerra is available in Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Battle Trainer. Haos Blade Tigrerra is unlocked after beating Arena 13.

Bakugan: Defenders of the Core[edit]

Blade Tigrerra does not make an actual appearance, but is a possible figure in the Collector's Edition of the game.


  • In her ball form, she looks like Battle Ax Vladitor.
  • Blade Tigrerra has a fishing rod, which was seen at the end of the first half of New Vestroia before she returned to Earth. This makes her the second Bakugan to have an item. The first is Elfin, who has a tiny parasol.
  • The character's gender was changed between the Japanese and English version. In Japan, Blade Tigrerra is known as "Blade Tigress" and is male while in the English dub, Tigrerra became female. This gender swap would also be applied to Ingram and Avior in the subsequent seasons.
