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For the Battle Brawlers Bakugan, see Stinglash.
BK CD Scorpion.jpg
Physical Game
Debut set BakuNeon
Attribute Pyrus Pyrus
Power 350 Gs
Variations Scorpion
Fire Scorpion
First appearance Taste of Defeat

Scorpion (Japanese version スコルピオ) is a Pyrus coin-shaped Bakugan Trap from New Vestroia, who is given to Dan by Mira. Dan nicknamed him Scorpio, but that could also be a translation error.



Scorpion links with Drago. He can rise up on his six legs to tower over his enemy. He has two colossal pincers with metal spiked balls and a long tail with an especially deadly pointer that can snap like a whip. His exoskeleton shell protects his insides from damage during battle.


Bakugan: New Vestroia[edit]

Scorpion was given to Dan in episode 5 by Mira and helped Drago battle Gus Grav's Premo Vulcan and Hexados, but loses along with Drago.

In episode 6, Scorpion teamed with Drago again to take down Premo Vulcan.

In episode 15, Scorpion helps Drago face Viper Helios, but fails due to Metalfencer.

In the match against Mira and Gus, Scorpion uses two abilities that helped take down Grafias, Spitarm, and Brachium by boosting Drago's power.

Ability Cards
  • Reflection Boost: Reflects the opponent's ability and adds 100 Gs to Scorpion.
  • Satellite Impact: Reflects the opponent's ability.
  • Satellite Boost: Reflects the opponent's ability and adds 100 Gs to Scorpion.
  • Max Reflector: Reflects the opponent's ability twice the power.

Physical Game[edit]


Image Available Secondary Attributes Available in Notes
Pyrus Scorpion open.jpg
  • Booster Pack (BTR-02)[1]

Image Available Secondary Attributes Available in Notes

Image Available Secondary Attributes Available in Notes
IMG 20180922 191514.jpg
  • Bakugan Expansion Pack - Summon Bakugan Best Selection 1 (BCV-15)[2]

Image Available Secondary Attributes Available in Notes
Scorpion trap bakuneon bakugan.jpg

Image Available Secondary Attributes Available in Notes

Trading Card Game[edit]

Image Card Name Card Type Card Series
BA374 AB 27 GBL.png
Lightning Red Ability Card 27/48e


  • All of Scorpion's abilities reflect the opponent's abilities.
  • In ball form, he resembles a red Shoxrox.
  • Dan stopped using Scorpion at one point in the Anime, like how Mira stopped using Baliton.
  • Scorpion is one of only two Bakugan Traps shown to be able to move on its own in ball form.
  • Oddly enough, Scorpion was seen "floating" in midair numerous times, even though he doesn't have any wings or any other factors that allow him to fly.
  • On a Fire Scorpion is shown under the name 'Scorpion' while 'Fire Scorpion' is nowhere to be seen.
