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Metalfencer (メタルフェンサー?) is Spectra Phantom's four legged spider-like Mechanical Bakugan Trap.

BK CD MetalFencer.jpg
Physical Game
Debut set BakuNeon
Attribute Pyrus Pyrus
Power 400 Gs
First appearance Show Me the Power!




Metalfencer is a Trap Bakugan that enhances Viper Helios's fighting skills. His three blue eyes can freeze opponents, making them easy to defeat. Not only can his long tail shoot lasers, it can also wrap and squeeze his opponents tightly, eliminating them with its deadly stinger. His four mighty legs provide tremendous maneuverability.


Bakugan: New VestroiaEdit

It was used by Spectra in Show Me the Power! where it combined with Viper Helios to form battle unit mode. It was knocked off of Helios by Neo Dragonoid, but it was not defeated, however, Helios asked Spectra for more power and Spectra used the Forbidden Card to win that battle.

It was used again in Dude, Where's My Bakugan? to save Viper Helios from Apollonir's Saiam Low ability by combining to make Battle Unit Mode, however Apollonir still managed to beat Viper Helios and Metalfencer.

Ability Cards
  • Red Valkyrie: Adds 200 Gs to Metalfencer and Viper Helios.

Physical GameEdit

A Metalfencer comes inside of the Pyrus BakuSphere. Metalfencer is available in all Attributes. Metalfencer is also available in a Combat Set with Cyborg Helios.


Image Available Secondary Attributes Available in Notes
  • Booster Pack (BTR-09) [1]

Image Available Secondary Attributes Available in Notes

Image Available Secondary Attributes Available in Notes

Image Available Secondary Attributes Available in Notes
  • Bakugan Expansion Pack - Summon Bakugan Best Selection (BCV-15)[3]


  • Sharing the word 'Fencer', Pyrus Attribute, and similar structure, the relationship between Fencer, Metalfencer, and Spyderfencer is unknown other than the fact that they can all transform, combine, have four legs, and are all mechanical Bakugan created by the Vestals.
    • They all have a relation with Maxus Bakugan. Fencer and Metalfencer can both combine with Helios and Spyderfencer can help form Maxus Dragonoid which is related to Maxus Helios by the Maxus Bakugan.
  • Metalfencer's combining feature can combine with BakuNano compatible Bakugan as well as Viper Helios and Cyborg Helios.
