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BK CD Ravenoid.jpg
Attribute Ventus Ventus
Attribute Variations Pyrus Pyrus
Haos Haos
Power 380 Gs
Variations Ravenoid
Spin Ravenoid
First appearance Grandpa's Got a Brand New Bakugan

Ravenoid (クロウ, Kurō?) is a bird-like Bakugan with plated battle armor.



Gigantic wings let Ravenoid swoop to attack its prey from the sky. Large clawed feet squeeze its victims in an unyielding vice. It covets complete destruction of its enemies.

Bakugan Official Handbook[edit]

A Ravenoid might look like a bird, but it's got some heavy-duty extra protection. Its entire body is covered in plated armor.

Bakugan: Ultimate Handbook[edit]

Ravenoid is a Bakugan that looks like a humanoid raven. Its swoops down from the sky to attack its prey, grabbing it in its strong claws. Few Bakugan can escape Ravenoid's vice-like grip. Plated battle armor protects it from attacks.


Bakugan Battle Brawlers[edit]

Ventus Ravenoid

Dan Kuso once had a Pyrus Ravenoid. Shun Kazami had two Ventus Ravenoid, in which one of them was sent to the Doom Dimension. Shun also used one in his battle against Oberus in A Place Far From Home.

Nene has a Ventus Ravenoid as her Partner Bakugan.

Runo has a Haos Ravenoid which was sent to the Doom Dimension by Tentaclear, it returned in Home Sweet Home.

Joe Brown had a Haos Ravenoid that he was going to use in his battle with Dan Kuso, but he collapsed before it could be thrown. Illusionary Dan had a Haos Ravenoid and used it against Runo in battle.

Ability Cards
  • Shadow Scratch (Shadow Snatch): Nullifies the opponent's Normal Card and Subtracts 50 Gs from the opponent. (Pyrus, Ventus)
  • Tornado Pandemonium: Nullifies the opponent's Gate Card. (Ventus)
  • Blow Away: Moves the opponent to another Gate Card. (Ventus)
  • Spark Out: Nullifies the opponent's Gate Card and adds 50 Gs to Ravenoid. (Haos)
  • Immobile: Creates duplicates of Ravenoid. (Ventus, Haos)
  • Storm Breaker: Nullifies the opponent's Gate Card. (Ventus)

Physical Game[edit]

Bronze Attack Haos Ravenoid

In Japan, the Darkus version in BCV-04 comes with 470 Gs and 480 Gs. A Pyrus version can have 430 Gs or 520 Gs and the Ventus version has 550 Gs.

Ravenoid was planned to be remade in Mechtanium Surge as a Baku Sky Raider with a slight adjustment to the feet to allow it to jump, but was never released.

Trading Card Game[edit]

Image Card Name Card Type Card Series
BA190 AB SM hot wind.png
Hot Wind Blue Ability Card 10/15a
BA205 GA SM ravenoid.png
Ravenoid Gold Gate Card 10/48b
BA276 AB darkfire 33.png
Darkfire Color Shift Blue Ability Card 33/48c
BA370 GA 23 GBL.png
Resupply Copper Gate Card 23/48e

Video Games[edit]

Ravenoid is in the Bakugan Battle Brawlers DS and Wii version. If you buy the game from Toys 'R' Us and go into the in-game store, you can find Ravenoid for 0 BP, which means that he's free in the video game.


  • In many episodes, it is mistakenly called Falconeer or Falconeer 2.
  • Its Bakugan form looks similar to that of Plitheon.
  • It is one of the very few Season 1 original Bakugan, besides the Brawlers Bakugan, that has a New Vestroia Variation - Spin Ravenoid.
  • Its name has only a one letter difference from Razenoid.
  • It looks very similar to Spyron.
