In Generation 2, they were rereleases of Bakugan Battle Planet Bakugan, first released in Bakugan: Evolutions. They all are Translucent Bakugan (except for the Walmart Exclusive Mythic Pack) and come with different Character Cards than their original release counterparts. Some Mythic Bakugan were re-released in Bakugan: Legends with the only difference being the Character Cards having different stats.
In Generation 3, Mythic Bakugan are still Translucent, but unlike Generation 2, the Character Cards are the exact same ones that are packaged in their normal counterparts. For example, the Mythic Red Titanium Dragonoid still comes with the Character Card M01_01_CC that is also comes with the regular Red Titanium Dragonoid.
Available Bakugan (Generation 2)
Mythic Battle Pack
Non-Translucent versions of Battle Planet Dragonoid, Battle Planet Hydorous, Battle Planet Trox, Battle Planet Pegatrix, Battle Planet Nillious, and Armored Alliance Pharol that feature the Evolutions color scheme were released in a 6-pack that was exclusive to Walmart.