
From The Bakugan Wiki


1,244 bytes added, 03:06, 7 December 2018
doin' the thing
Hello, my name is Rowen. I'm known to most by my old moniker Bendo14, when I was an admin of the old wiki from the beginning of GI to the end of the legacy series. In light of recent events in my life, I've re-branded myself, if you can call it that. Here, I'm just another editor doing what little I can to help!

I am a Midwestern-American college student with an interest in European antiquity and the classics. I enjoy free-writing, video games, film critique, and reading as hobbies. I'm a massive fan of the Soulsborne series and those games are what I like spending my free time on most.

When it comes to Bakugan itself, I was a Pyrus brawler back in the day with my tried-and-true Phosphos. I'm no superfan now, but I still have an appreciation for the franchise and its roots.

I'm always open to criticism and feedback on my editing, so please don't hesitate to reach out to me about that or anything else. I'm fairly active both here and on the wiki's Discord.

<center><big>[[User:MysticRow|<font face="Calibri" color="#CC0000">''MysticRow''</font>]]</big> ''([[User Talk:MysticRow|<font face ="Corbel" color=#B6B6B6">Talk</font>]]/[[Special:Contributions/MysticRow|<font face ="Corbel" color=#B6B6B6">Contribs</font>]])''</center>