From The Bakugan Wiki
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Moetaro was most impressed with Acro Gezard's "homerun" maneuver. Harubaru pinpoints at Tohga, accusing the latter of cheating. In reality, Tohga just took things up a notch wherein he is now taking full advantage of the lengthy Acro Gezard's innate features. Raichi comments that Harubaru is in trouble as Tohga declares that it's "Last One" for him.
On the other hand, Harubaru has never faltered as he finally decided to use his Guardian Partner Bakugan, Rise Dragaon. Harubaru declared that he will show Tohga what his Special Training had brought him. The two boys then shot their respective Guardian Bakugan with the fiery Dragaon catching the eye of Moetaro. Acro Gezard stood ahead and opens up as Rise Dragaon razes up to it. However, even with a supposedly perfect defense, Acro Gezard failed to stop Rise Dragaon. As a result, both the lengthy Acro Gezard and the nearby Zak Jaguard were knocked out. The round was ruled Critical K.O. in favor of Harubaru. Harubaru also was able to finally amaze Moetaro. Harubaru raises up his game.
In the following rounds; Harubaru shoots Rise Dragaon again, inflicting Critical K.O. on both the standing Sha Nozchi and Acro Gezard. Harubaru taunts Tohga that it's now Last One for him.