
From The Bakugan Wiki

Bakugan Dojo Break-up

1 byte removed, 14:07, 3 March 2022
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The episode opens in the Grif Zaibatsu's facility wherein the Grif brothers have been training very hard with their newly evolved Guardian Partner Bakugan. Shield Leoness and Tri Falco both showed their superior power by destroying digital copies of Rise Dragaon and Hollow Munikis. Koh noticeably had his hair dyed blonde.
The scene shifts to the Bakugan Dojo where Harubaru, Raichi and Tatsuma were chatting when three Gate Cards were set in the floor and three Bakugan rolled to pop out. It's the Shadow Sanjushi whom they didn't saw for quite a long time. Tohga and Karashina's Bakugan noticeably gained Metal Parts as well. The Bakugan Dojo trio welcomed the Shadow Sanjushi with the former admitting that though their training with Master Jyou is paying off, they are definitely missing their Master Shimo.