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The Seis Metal Threat!

1 byte removed, 14:14, 3 March 2022
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Zakuro lays the powered Seis Tavanel into the battlefield as Mister Up commends that he is now taking things more seriously. The two men shot their Bakugan which then approached the same Gate Card. Harubaru commented that when Zakuro installed the two metal sole parts, it decreased Seis Tavanel's speed. Raichi also comments that with the enemy's blunder, Kachia Gell is now able to stand in a Gate Card and pop up, possibly ending the brawl with a Critical K.O. in Mister Up's favor. However, Mister Down calmly dismisses the boys that Kachia Gell cannot do it.
As Seis Tavanel nears Kachia Gell, Mister Up commands his Guardian Partner Bakugan to use the uppercut attack. A brief collision happened between the two Bakugan and when it's over, Mister Up was horrified to see that Seis Tavanel is raging to another direction whereas Kachia Gell was tossed up in the air. Kachia Gell still managed to stand in the Gate Card at the other side of the field much to Tatsuma's relief. Raichi, however, remembered that it's already impossible for Mister Up to perform a Double Stand because his other two Bakugan were destroyed earlier.
Zakuro cuts their discussion short when he changed two more Normal parts into Metal parts. Seis Tavanel is now equipped with Four Metal Parts. Mister Up walks towards his tossed out Nata Nagina, seeing that he can still use it somehow. He closes it up and returns to the battlefield. Mister Up shoots the broken Nata Nagina while Zakuro shoots the four Metal Seis Tavanel. The result was as predicted, Nata Nagina was dismantled while Seis Tavanel bounced off to Kachia Gell's Gate Card, clashing with the said Bakugan. When their attacks caused an explosion, Kachia Gell bounced off to Mister Up's feet while Seis Tavanel stood triumphant in the Gate Card.