Missing Cards for the old (Generation 1) Bakugan series or the Reboot. These either have no images but have names or they aren't identified with names at all.
Missing Gen 2 Cards
Missing Fusion Force cards
If it has a page link, it has no picture.
If it's ??? then we have no information at all.
Fusion Force is missing the following cards
- 154 Aquos? Fusion?
- 213 ??? (ventus, epic card, or something else)
- 214 ??? (ventus, epic card, or something else)
Missing Shields of Vestroia Cards
If it has a page link, it has no picture.
If it's ??? then we have no information at all.
There's probably cancelled stuff here (Darkus Pharol x Gillator)
Shields of Vestroia is missing the following cards:
Card #'s past 226 are probably Epic Character Cards, which can only be found in the TCG Packs
- 38 Burning Determination
- 56 Dark Inferno Lance
- 121 Multislash Armor
- 128 Tail Shears
- 151 ???
- 152a
- 152b
- 157 ???
- 160 ???
- 161 ???
- 164 ???
- 165a
- 165b (fix set page, it should say 165b instead of 166b)
- 172 ??? (darkus/aurelus or haos/pyrus fusion?)
- 173 ??? (darkus/aurelus or haos/pyrus fusion?)
- 177 ??? (haos/pyrus fusion?)
- 179 ???
- 180 ???
- 181 ???
- 183a
- 183b
- 187 ???
- 191 ???
- 192 ???
- 194 ???
- 203a
- 203b
- 204 ??? ventus?
- 205 ???
- 206a
- 206b
- 207a
- 207b
- 208 ???
- 211 ???
- 212 ???
- 219 ???
- 225 ???
- 227 ??? (needs an article made, we have the card pic)
- 230 ???
- 234 ??? Haos Trox & Nobilious Ultra (needs an article made, we have the card pic)
- 235 ???
- 237 ???
- 255 Pyrus Eenoch Ultra Epic Character (don't have pics, we have stats though)
- 256 ???
- 261 (don't have pics, we have stats though)
- 20 ??? (Darkus? Nano?)
- 31 ??? (Pyrus? Nano?)
- 74 ??? (darkus bakugan?)
- 89 Diamond Colossus
- 1 Aquos Blade no article or pic
- 2 Aquos Clutch no article or pic
- 3 Aquos Echo no article or pic
- 4 Aquos Fury no article or pic
- 5 Aquos Shadow no article or pic
- 6 Aquos Siphon no article or pic
- 7 Aquos Sledge no card pic, page is complete
- 10 Aurelus Clutch no article or pic
- 11 Aurelus Fury no article or pic
- 12 Aurelus Riptide no article or pic
- 13 Aurelus Shadow WE HAVE THE PIC, need to make the article
- 14 Aurelus Siphon Article complete but no pic
- 15 Aurelus Sledge no article or pic
- 17 Darkus Clutch no article or pic
- 18 Darkus Echo Article complete but no pic
- 19 Darkus Lancer no article or pic
- 20 Darkus Riptide WE HAVE THE PIC, need to make the article
- 21 Darkus Shadow no article or pic
- 22 Haos Aura no article or pic
- 23 Haos Clutch no article or pic
- 25 Haos Lancer Article complete but no pic
- 26 Pyrus Blade Article complete but no pic
- 28 Pyrus Echo no article or pic
- 29 Pyrus Shadow Article complete but no pic
- 30 Pyrus Siphon WE HAVE THE PIC, need to make the article
- 31 Ventus Aura no article or pic
- 32 Ventus Blade no article or pic
- 34 Ventus Echo no article or pic
- 37 ???
- 39 ???
- 41 ???
- 43 ???
- 44 ???
- 45 ???
- 46 ???
- 47 ???
- 49 Diamond Platinum Neo Hydorous (EV2) just need the pic
- 51 ???
- 52 ???
- 54 ???
- 55 Diamond Platinum Neo Pegatrix (EV2) have the pic, needs article.
- 56 ???
- 58 ???
- 60 ???
- 65 ??? probably some aquos bakugan
- 68 ???
- 69 ???
- 70 ???
- 71 ???
- 73 Aquos Neo Trox (EV2) HAVE THE CARD, needs article
- 74 Aquos Pharol (EV2) needs article and pic
- 78 Aquos Platinum Wrath (EV2) needs article and pic
- 80 ???
- 82 Aquos Trox (EV2) need pic and article
- 83 ??? aurelus?
- 86 ???
- 87 ???
- 88 ???
- 90 ???
- 91 ???
- 93 ???
- 97 Aurelus Platinum Trox (EV2) need pic and article
- 98 Aurelus Platinum Wrath (EV2) need pic and article
- 101 Aurelus Ultra Tretorous (EV2) need pic and article
- 103 ???
- 104 Darkus Ultra Batrix (EV2) WE HAVE PIC, needs articles. Also fix hyperlink error on Main card page.
- 108 ???
- 109 ???
- 110 ???
- 111 ???
- 113 Darkus Neo Nillious (EV2) need pic
- 114 Darkus Pegatrix (EV2) need pic and article
- 116 ???
- 117 ???
- 121 Darkus Platinum Neo Nillious (EV2) need pic
- 122 ??? darkus?
- 126 ??? darkus?
- 128 Darkus Dragonoid Evo (EV2) need pic
- 130 ???
- 131 Darkus Trox (EV2) need pic
- 133 Haos Ultra Eenoch (EV2) need article and pic
- 134 Haos Ultra Gillator (EV2) need pic
- 135 ??? haos?
- 137 (?) Haos Warrior Whale (EV2) need pic. Repeated number?
- 138 ???
- 139 ???
- 140 ???
- 141 ???
- 142 ??? haos?
- 144 ???
- 146 Haos Nillious (EV2) need pic
- 147 ???
- 149 ???
- 150 ???
- 151 Haos Platinum Neo Pharol (EV2) need article and pic
- 154 ???
- 156 ???
- 157 ???
- 159 ??? pyrus?
- 160 ???
- 163 ???
- 166 Pyrus Platinum Nillious (EV2) needs article and pic
- 167 Pyrus Platinum Surturan (EV2) WE HAVE THE PIC. needs article
- 168 ???
- 171 ???
- 175 ???
- 177 ???
- 178 ???
- 179 ???
- 180 ???
- 184 ???
- 187
- 188 Ventus Platinum Neo Trox (EV2) need pic
- 193 Ventus Neo Wrath (EV2) need pic
- 194 ???
Season 4: Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge
Forbidden Knowledge
- Thor (Card) & ???: There is a finished Taylean vs. Thor package for Bakugan vs. Marvel. Unfortunately, we will never see the full contents but it is likely there are 2 unknown cards as this is a finished product (likely a sample).
- 3/5d (Dreadeon (Card)
Bakugan vs. Marvel
So, there was a quiet release of Captain America and Spider Man in Europe. New in box is very rare to find, so most people have these Bakugan loose without the cards that came with it.
- 1/4mvb: Captain America (Card)
- 2/4mvb: Spiderman (Card)
- 3/4mvb: Dharak Rush
- 4/4mvb: ???
The Cards that May or May Not Exist
Most of these are probably in European packages (BakuSolo, Trinity, BakuGold)
There was a big issue with the cards that were printed in season 4. First of all, gave up on updating the website with Season 4 cards so it was up to the wiki to identify them!
Here's the deal, a big problem with the season is that a large amount of product was released only in Europe. So after years, it seems we found all the cards, but there are still some missing ones. This turned out to be true, as some cards on this list are from Europe (multi-language).
Additionally, there's another part to this story. Some cards overlap with the set ID and some are renamed (Cliffs).
The wiki identifies cards based on the bottom right text of the card. The copyright information has a number and lettering such as "1-4a". We put this as a set. For example, 1-4a is a card set, it has 4 cards in it: 1-4a, 2-4a, 3-4a, and 4-a.
We decided to split them into two pages (1-48g 1 and 1-48g 2). While some empty spaces may be for cards that do not exist at all, that's how it will be.
How can you help? Look for European packages for Bakugan and document the contents, you may end up with cards that already exist on the wiki (use the search bar to check) or ones that weren't identified. I found an unboxing for a BakuSolo Darkus Horridian (released only in Europe) and there was a card that wasn't on the wiki called Mech Magnet.