Bakugan Authorized Championships

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Bakugan Authorized Championships logo

The Bakugan Authorized Championships, or BAC, were a set of promotional Bakugan events and tournaments in Japan during the run of BakuTech! Bakugan.


This matches were hosted and judged by performers who played Master Shimo and Hono Moetaro, characters from the BakuTech manga.

Event History

Over the course of its run, the BAC hosted a number of special events at different stores. These events often featured rewards such as exclusive prize Bakugan.[1]

  • 爆スロン:いろいろなシュートミッションをクリアすべし。
  • ガチ爆:同時シュートによるカンタンルールの新次元バトル。
  • タヴァネルカップ~爆丸エリアチャンピオン決定戦~:ガチ爆やアルティメットバトルトーナメント大会が開催されるスペシャルなイベントだ!
  • アルティメットバトル:参加者同士で勝ち抜きバトルができる。
  • アルティメットバトルトーナメント:トーナメント形式で行う究極の爆丸バトルだ!

Not every store held every event. Stores often only held two or three out of the total pool of events.[2]

Notable Campaigns

Rainbow Sechs Tavanel


For a list of cards and card combinations that were banned or restricted by BAC, see Banned Card#Japan.

The official matches of the BAC included a list of restricted or banned cards.

