
From The Bakugan Wiki

Subterra Hex

347 bytes added, 07:49, 17 May 2021
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{{JGAC|name = Subterra Hex|image = [[File:BA767-AB-JPE.jpg|thumb|185px300px]]'''Subterra Hex''' is a Japanese |condition = Only [[GreenSubterra]] can use this ability. Use after the battle.|effect = If you won the battle with more than 100 [[Ability CardGs|PL]]difference, you can make opponent to stay one turn. The opponent can avoid this by moving his gate card in wining slot to gate card slot.|series = |Power_P =N/A|Power_A =ConditionN/A|Power_S =N/A|Power_H =N/A|Power_D = N/A|Power_V =N/A|card series =Effect==N/A}}
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