
From The Bakugan Wiki

Vestroia (Generation 1)

9 bytes added, 09:42, 2 January 2022
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==The Original Bakugan==
After several centuries of adaptation , the creatures on Vestroia had obtained vast knowledge of their dimension. One day , a burst of positive energy out of nowhere hit the planet, giving the creatures separate attributes:
* The Strong [[Pyrus (Legacy)|Pyrus]] (Fire)
The destruction of [[Old Vestroia]] came, when a group of [[Gargonoid]] decided to start war among the Bakugan. The war spread and various Bakugan tried to stop it but were either slaughtered or taken to be used as practice targets. Eventually , a group of Bakugan one of each attribute split the world into six separate worlds based on the attributes of the Bakugan. This made some Bakugan go off to other places , such as [[Gundalia]] and [[Neathia]]. The [[Bakugan]] who saved Vestroia went on to be known as "[[The Six Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia]]". The Soldiers captured all negative power in the dimension and used their positive energy to help keep the negative energy in check, this was the formation of the [[Infinity Core]] and the [[Silent Core]]. While their actions saved Vestroia, the Legendary Soldiers used the last of their energy to do so and ended up in the [[Doom Dimension]]. They could appear at any time in the dimension of Vestroia.
==Merged World==
One day , [[Naga]] created his version of Vestroia: 2 from 6 worlds merged into 3, creating his gatekeepers.
The Bakugan who guarded the worlds, called the gatekeepers, were: