
From The Bakugan Wiki

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/** Infobox **/
.infobox {
    background: transparent;
    font-size: .85em;
    width: 300px;
    margin: .5em 0 1em 1em;
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.infobox .infobox-subheader {
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.infobox .infobox-subheader a {
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.infobox .infobox-image a.image + a.image {
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.infobox .infobox-image img {
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.infobox th:not(.infobox-header):not(.infobox-subheader) {
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/* Tabber start */
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/* Tabber end */

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/** Main Page **/
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     font-weight: 700;

.MainPageSpace {
     border:1px solid black;
     box-shadow:1px 1px 4px black;

/* For portals, added 2011-12-07 -bv
   On wide screens, show these as two columns
   On narrow and mobile screens, let them collapse into a single column */
.portal-column-left {
	float: left;
	width: 50%;
.portal-column-right {
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.portal-column-left-wide {
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@media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {
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		float: inherit;
		width: inherit;

/** Infobox Card**/
.infoboxcard {
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.infoboxcard .infoboxcard-header {
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.infoboxcard .infoboxcard-subheader {
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.infoboxcard .infoboxcard-image a.image + a.image {
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.infoboxcard .infoboxcard-image img {
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} -->

#mf-banner { display: none; } li#ca-delete { display:none!important; }

/* Styling for Template:Infobox character and Template:Infobox Bakugan */

.infobox.att-pyrus { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-pyrus { background:#ee5555; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-pyrus { background:#ee9652; color:#ffffff; }

.infobox.att-aquos { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-aquos { background:#3661e2; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-aquos { background:#109cf4; color:#ffffff; }

.infobox.att-subterra { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-subterra { background:#804000; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-subterra { background:#ff8000; color:#ffffff; }

.infobox.att-aurelus { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-aurelus { background:#ec9513; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-aurelus { background:#ffcc00; color:#000000; }

.infobox.att-haos { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-haos { background:#75f0f0; color:#000000; }
.infobox-subheader.att-haos { background:#ffff99; color:#000000; }

.infobox.att-darkus { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-darkus { background:#000000; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-darkus { background:#5900b3; color:#ffffff; }

.infobox.att-ventus { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-ventus { background:#00cc00; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-ventus { background:#00e6b8; color:#ffffff; }

.infobox.att-pyrusdarkus { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-pyrusdarkus { background:#ee5555; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-pyrusdarkus { background:#5900b3; color:#ffffff; }

.infobox.att-pyrusaurelus { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-pyrusaurelus { background:#ee5555; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-pyrusaurelus { background:#ffcc00; color:#000000; }

.infobox.att-darkusaquos { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-darkusaquos { background:#000000; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-darkusaquos { background:#109cf4; color:#ffffff; }

.infobox.att-aquosaurelus { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-aquosaurelus { background:#3661e2; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-aquosaurelus { background:#ffcc00; color:#000000; }

.infobox.att-aquosventus { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-aquosventus { background:#3661e2; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-aquosventus { background:#00e6b8; color:#ffffff; }

.infobox.att-haospyrus { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-haospyrus { background:#75f0f0; color:#000000; }
.infobox-subheader.att-haospyrus { background:#ee9652; color:#ffffff; }

.infobox.att-haosaurelus { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-haosaurelus { background:#75f0f0; color:#000000; }
.infobox-subheader.att-haosaurelus { background:#ffcc00; color:#000000; }

.infobox.att-darkusaurelus { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-darkusaurelus { background:#000000; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-darkusaurelus { background:#ffcc00; color:#000000; }

.infobox.att-ventushaos { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-ventushaos { background:#00cc00; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-ventushaos { background:#ffff99; color:#000000; }

.infobox.att-ventusaurelus { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-ventusaurelus { background:#00cc00; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-ventusaurelus { background:#ffcc00; color:#000000; }

.infobox.att-allfaction { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-allfaction { background:#808080; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-allfaction { background:#858e8f; color:#000000; }

.infobox.att-test { background:transparent; }
.infobox-header.att-test { background:#00e6b8; color:#ffffff; }
.infobox-subheader.att-test { background:#00e6b8; color:#ffffff; }