
From The Bakugan Wiki

Baron Leltoy

79 bytes added, 07:02, 10 March 2022
Although the least experienced in his team, Baron's battling record shows him to be quite a strong brawler, having only lost four times out of ten twelve battles.
{| class="wikitable" width="60%"
|[[Dan Kuso]] || [[Marucho's Mission|4]] || No Outcome
|Dan Kuso (Tag with [[MaruchoMarukura|Marucho]]) || [[Return of a Friend|6]] || Not Shown
|[[Lync Volan]] || [[Gate Crashers|11]] || Win
|[[Hydron]] || [[Revenge of the Vexos|28]] || Lose
|Volt Luster (Tag with [[ShunKazami|Shun]]) || [[Samurai Showdown|36]] || Win
|Volt Luster and Mylene Farrow (Tag with Shun) || [[Ambush|40]] || {{tooltip|Lose|Due to the Trap Field preventing Mechanical Bakugan from losing}}
|[[Avatar Baron]] || [[Phantom Data Attack|43]] || Lose
|[[Zenoheld]] (Tag with the [[Bakugan Battle Brawlers Resistance|Resistance]]) || [[All for One|51]]–[[Final Fury|52]] || Win