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- Bakugan (2023)
- Bakugan (2023)|Bakugan 2023
- List of Generation 3 Bakugan|List of Bakugan
- List of Bakugan (2023) Waves|Wave List
- List of Generation 3 Card Sets|Card Sets
- How to Play Bakugan (Generation 3)|How to Play
- Character Card (Generation 3)|Character Cards
- Special Attack Card|Special Attack Cards
- Gate Card (Generation 3)|Gate Cards
- Brawler Card|Brawler Cards
- Legends
- Bakugan: Legends|Anime
- List of Bakugan: Legends Episodes|Episode List
- Bakulog (Legends)|Bakulog
- List of Bakugan: Legends Waves|Wave List
- Evolutions
- Bakugan: Evolutions|Anime
- List of Bakugan: Evolutions Episodes|Episode List
- Bakulog (Evolutions)|Bakulog
- List of Bakugan: Evolutions Waves|Wave List
- List of Bakugan: Evolutions Bakugan|List of Bakugan
- EV2|EV2
- Geogan Rising
- Bakugan: Geogan Rising|Anime
- List of Bakugan: Geogan Rising Episodes|Episode List
- Bakulog (Geogan Rising)|Bakulog
- List of Bakugan: Geogan Rising Waves|Wave List
- List of Bakugan: Geogan Rising Bakugan|List of Bakugan
- List of Bakugan: Geogan Rising BakuCores|BakuCores
- Secrets of the Geogan|Secrets of the Geogan
- Armored Alliance
- Bakugan: Armored Alliance|Anime
- List of Bakugan: Armored Alliance Episodes|Episode List
- Bakulog (Armored Alliance)|Bakulog
- Evo Bakulog (Armored Alliance)|Evo Bakulog
- List of Bakugan: Armored Alliance Waves|Wave List
- List of Bakugan: Armored Alliance Bakugan|List of Bakugan
- List of Bakugan: Armored Alliance BakuCores|BakuCores
- Armored Elite|Armored Elite
- Fusion Force|Fusion Force
- Shields of Vestroia|Shields of Vestroia
- PS1|Blind Box card set
- Bakugan: Champions of Vestroia|Champions of Vestroia
- Battle Planet
- Bakugan Battle Planet|Anime
- List of Bakugan Battle Planet Episodes|Episode List
- Bakulog|Bakulog
- Bakulog (Evos)|Evo Bakulog
- Bakugan Wiki:Rulebook|Official Rulebook
- List of Bakugan Battle Planet Waves|Wave List
- List of Bakugan Battle Planet Bakugan|List of Bakugan
- List of Bakugan Battle Planet BakuCores|BakuCores
- Battle_Brawlers_(Card_set)|Battle Brawlers
- Bakugan Resurgence|Bakugan Resurgence
- Age of Aurelus|Age of Aurelus
- BakuTech
- BakuTech! Bakugan (Anime)|Anime
- BakuTech! Bakugan|Manga
- BakuTech|Toys
- Mechtanium Surge
- Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge|Anime
- List of Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge Episodes|Episode List
- List of Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge Bakugan|List of Bakugan
- List of Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge Waves|Wave List
- Card series in Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge|Card series
- Japanese Card series in Bakugan|Japanese Card series
- Bakugan: Rise of the Resistance|Rise of the Resistance
- Gundalian Invaders
- Bakugan: Gundalian Invaders|Anime
- List of Bakugan: Gundalian Invaders Episodes|Episode List
- List of Bakugan: Gundalian Invaders Bakugan|List of Bakugan
- Card series in Bakugan: Gundalian Invaders|Card series
- Japanese Card series in Bakugan|Japanese Card series
- Bakugan Dimensions|Bakugan Dimensions
- New Vestroia
- Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia|Anime
- List of Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia Episodes|Episode List
- List of Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia Bakugan|List of Bakugan
- Card series in Bakugan: New Vestroia|Card series
- Japanese Card series in Bakugan|Japanese Card series
- Bakugan: Defenders of the Core|Defenders of the Core
- Battle Brawlers
- Bakugan Battle Brawlers|Anime
- List of Bakugan Battle Brawlers Episodes|Episode List
- List of Bakugan Battle Brawlers Bakugan|List of Bakugan
- Card series in Bakugan Battle Brawlers|Card series
- Japanese Card series in Bakugan|Japanese Card series
- Bakugan Battle Brawlers (Video Game)|Video Game
- Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Battle Trainer|Battle Trainer
- Resources
- Bakugan Wiki:Bakugan Identifier|Bakugan Identifier
- Generation 3 Game|How to Play (Generation 3)
- Toy Battling Game/How to Play|How to Play (Toy Battling Game)
- Trading Card Game/How to Play|How to Play (Trading Card Game)
- Bakugan Wiki:How to Play (Legacy)|How to Play (Legacy)
- Rules|Rulebooks