
From The Bakugan Wiki

Shun Kazami

6 bytes removed, 04:51, 9 November 2018
what in the fresh hell was that tabber formatting
{{Ventus Tabs}}
{{BQuote|Speed and stealth is the way of the ninja.|'''Shun'''|''[[Battle For the Second Shield]]''|color = green}}
{{Infobox character
|color = green
|faction = [[Battle Brawlers]]<br>[[Bakugan Battle Brawlers Resistance]]<br>[[Order of the Castle Knights]] (Formerly)
|status = Alive}}
{{BQuote|Speed and stealth is the way of the ninja.|'''Shun'''|''[[Battle For the Second Shield]]''|color = green}}{{nihongo|'''Shun Kazami'''|風見 駿 (シュン)|Kazami Shun}} is one of the main protagonists of the anime series ''[[Bakugan Battle Brawlers]]'', ''[[Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia]]'', ''[[Bakugan: Gundalian Invaders]] ''and ''[[Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge]]''.
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