
From The Bakugan Wiki

Doom Dimension or Bust

1 byte added, 06:18, 5 January 2020
Round 4
<u>'''Masquerade throws out [[Darkus]] [[Dual Hydranoid]] against Sirenoid. (Dual Hydranoid: 480 GS - Sirenoid: 370 GS). '''</u>
Klaus's Gate Card ('''Mind Mine Ghost''') opens, which defeats both Bakugan on it. Masquerade activates '''Grand Down''', nullifying the opponent's Gate Card. Sirenoid gets wiped out by Hydranoid's energy stream attack and is sent to the [[Doom Dimension]].
Masquerade wins this round.
*'''Masquerade's BR:''' 3/3 ~ '''Klaus's BR:''' 0/3