
From The Bakugan Wiki

Evolution Revolution

287 bytes added, 20:35, 22 January 2020
Featured Battle
==Featured Battle==
===Battle at Masquerade's Mansion===
*'''[[Dan ]] and [[Runo]]''' VS '''[[JulioSantana]]''' 
Runo and Julio activates the Bakugan Field, as the reality slows to a halt. At the same time at Klaus' Castle, Dan activates the Bakugan Field too.
====Round 1====
*'''Dan's Bakugan Remaining (BR):''' 3/3
*'''Runo's Bakugan Remaining (BR):''' 3/3
*'''Julio's Bakugan Remaining (BR):''' 3/3
<u>'''Bakugan remaining on the field:'''</u> None
<u>'''Julio set his [[Doom Card]].'''</u>
<u>'''Dan and Runo throws out their Gate Cards against Julio 's card.'''</u>
<u>'''Runo throws out [[Haos (Legacy)|Haos]] [[Siege]] onto her Gate Card. (Power: ??? GS).'''</u>
<u>'''Julio throws out [[Haos (Legacy)|Haos]] [[Fear Ripper]] onto his Gate Card. (Power: 330 GS).'''</u>
<u>'''Dan throws out [[Pyrus (Legacy)|Pyrus]] [[Robotallion]] onto his Gate Card. (Power: 320 GS).'''</u>
<u>'''Julio throws out [[Haos (Legacy)|Haos]] [[Tentaclear]] against Robotallion. (TentaclearRobotallion: 370 320 GS - RobotallionTentaclear: 320 370 GS) .'''</u>
Julio activates '''Flare Blinder''', preventing Dan from opening his Gate Card or activating any ability.
Julio wins this round.
====Round 2====
*'''Dan's Bakugan Remaining (BR):''' 2/3 ~*'''Runo's Bakugan Remaining (BR):''' 3/3 ~*'''Julio's Bakugan Remaining (BR):''' 3/3 ~<u>'''Bakugan remaining on the field:'''</u> Runo's Siege, Julio's Fear Ripper
<u>'''Julio throws out [[Haos (Legacy)|Haos]] [[Tentaclear]] against Siege. (Tentaclear: 370 GS - Siege: ???- Tentaclear: 370 GS) .'''</u>
Julio activates '''Mega Flare Blinder''', increasing Tentaclear's power level by 100 Gs and preventing Runo from opening her Gate Card or activating any ability, also adding 100 GS to Tentaclear. (Tentaclear: 470 GS - Siege: ???Gs - Tentaclear: 470 Gs).
Siege gets wiped out by Tentaclear's tentacle attack and is sent to the [[Doom Dimension]]. Tentaclear returns to Julio in ball form. Runo's first Gate Card vanishes.
Julio wins this round.
====Round 3====
*'''Dan's Bakugan Remaining (BR):''' 2/3 ~*'''Runo's Bakugan Remaining (BR):''' 2/3 ~*'''Julio's Bakugan Remaining (BR):''' 3/3 ~ <u>'''Julio sets another Gate Card in front of Fear Ripper's Gate Card.Bakugan remaining on the field:'''</u>Julio's Fear Ripper
<u>'''Julio throws out [[Haos (Legacy)|Haos]] [[Centipoid]] onto sets another Gate Card behind his newly set first Gate Card. (Power: 330 GS) .'''</u>
<u>'''Runo sets another Gate Card on the right side of Fear Ripper's Julio throws out [[Haos (Legacy)|Haos]] [[Centipoid]] onto his newly set Gate Card. (Power: 330 GS).'''</u>
<u>'''Runo throws out [[Haos (Legacy)|Haos]] [[Griffon]] onto her newly set sets another Gate Card on the right side of Julio's first Gate Card. (Power: 320 GS) .'''</u>
<u>'''Julio Runo throws out [[Haos (Legacy)|Haos]] [[TentaclearGriffon]] against Griffononto her newly set Gate Card. (Tentaclear: 370 GS - GriffonPower: 320 GS) .'''</u>
Julio activates <u>'''Julio throws out [[Haos Stasis''', as there are 3 (Legacy)|Haos Bakugan on the battlefield (]] [[Tentaclear: 470 GS - ]] against Griffon: 320 GS). Julio recovers his two used Ability Cards. Runo opens her Gate Card ('''Haos Attribute'''), and increases both Griffon and Tentaclear power level(Tentaclear: 570 320 GS - GriffonTentaclear: 420 370 GS).'''</u>
Julio activates '''Haos Stasis''', as there are 3 Haos Bakugan on the battlefield (Griffon gets wiped out by : 320 Gs - Tentaclear's tentacles and is sent to the [[Doom Dimension]]: 470 Gs). Tentaclear returns to Julio in ball formrecovers his two used Ability Cards. Runo's second opens her Gate Card vanishes('''Haos Normal: + 100 GS'''). (Griffon: 420 Gs - Tentaclear: 570 Gs).
Griffon gets wiped out by Tentaclear's tentacle attack and is sent to the [[Doom Dimension]]. Tentaclear returns to Julio in ball form. Runo's second Gate Card vanishes.
Julio wins this round.
====Round 4====
*'''Dan's Bakugan Remaining (BR):''' 2/3 ~*'''Runo's Bakugan Remaining (BR):''' 1/3 ~*'''Julio's Bakugan Remaining (BR):''' 3/3 ~<u>'''Bakugan remaining on the field:'''</u> Julio's Fear Ripper and Centipoid
<u>'''Dan throws out [[Pyrus (Legacy)|Pyrus]] [[Ravenoid]] against Fear Ripper. (Ravenoid: 330 GS - Fear Ripper: 330 GS) .'''</u>
Dan activates '''Shadow Scratch''', subtracting decreasing Fear Ripper's power level by 50 GS Gs and preventing it from Fear Ripperbeing increased by a Gate Card. (Ravenoid: 330 GS Gs - Fear Ripper: 280 GSGs). Julio open his Gate Card ('''Final Judgment'''), and Ravenoid starts losing [[G-Power]]'s power level decreases, as it is not a [[Haos (Legacy)|Haos]] Bakugan. Fear Ripper prepares to defeat Ravenoid.
Runo activates '''Cut in Saber''', adding [[Haos (Legacy)|Haos]] [[Tigrerra]] onto the battle. '''Final Judgment''' drains Ravenoid power level to 0. Ravenoid is sent to the [[Doom Dimension]], leaving only Tigrerra and Fear Ripper on the card (Fear Ripper: 280 GS - Tigrerra: 340 GS).