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|voiced by = [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4684804/ Jonah Wineberg]<br />Rie Takahashi (Japanese)
'''Dan Kouzo''' is a main protagonist of ''[[Bakugan Battle Planet]]'' and the [[Reboot Series ]] series in general. He is the leader of [[The Awesome Ones|The Awesome Brawlers]]. His main partner is [[Pyrus (Reboot)|Pyrus]] [[Dragonoid (Battle Planet)|Dragonoid]] (nicknamed Drago), his secondary Bakugan is Pyrus [[Cyndeous]], and his current tertiary Bakugan is Pyrus [[Gillator]], who replaces Pyrus [[Kelion]] in ''[[Bakugan: Armored Alliance]]'' . In ''[[Bakugan: Geogan Rising]]'' he owns uses the Pyrus [[Geogan]] [[Arcleon]] as his current main [[Geogan]].