From The Bakugan Wiki
*[[Aurelus]] [[Trox (Armored Alliance)|Trox Ultra]] in Bakugan form
==TriviaNote==*This is the only cancelled Bakugan whose Character Card Despite belonging to an unusable bakugan, this character card is obtainable, being a rare misprint in the [[Darkus (Reboot)|Darkus]] [[Gillator|Gillator Ultra]] Baku-Gear Solo, in place of the correct [[Darkus Gillator Ultra (Armored Elite)|Darkus Gillator Ultra]] card. In the case this card is obtained in place of the correct card, the correct course of action is either to seek out the [[Darkus Gillator Ultra (Fusion Force)|Epic Character Card]], or to contact [https://www.spinmaster.com/contact-us.php Spin Master Customer Care].
[[Category:Unusable Cards]]