From The Bakugan Wiki
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**Fusion Force is the only set to have two cards with the same number be both released and usable, with [[Aurelus Ryerazu (Fusion Force)|Aurelus Ryerazu]] and [[Aurelus Gillator Ultra (Fusion Force)|Aurelus Gillator Ultra]] both being released and usable.
*Fusion Force is the last set to have released official scans, with [[Swampugan]] and [[Lightning, Pack Leader]] being the only two cards from the set to have official scans. All other cards in Fusion Force, and all cards for sets following this, are scanned by the community.
*Fusion Force is the only set to have alternate Character Card art on Non-Fusion Character Cards, with [[Haos Maxodon (Fusion Force)|Haos Maxodon]] and [[Ventus Barbetra (Fusion Force)|Ventus Barbetra]] each having different art depending on the print.
==List of Cards in Fusion Force==
| 196
| <tabber>|-|Normal Print = [[File:Barbetra (Ventus Card) ENG 196 CC FF.png|125px]]|-|Original Art = [[File:Barbetra (Ventus Card) ENG 196 CC FFRev2.png|125px]]</tabber>
| [[Ventus Barbetra (Fusion Force)|Ventus Barbetra]]
| [[Character Card (Reboot)|Character Card]]