
From The Bakugan Wiki

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1,597 bytes added, 06:51, 22 February 2022
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==Trading Card Game==
===Combat keywordsKeywords===*[[File:Add Core Icon.png|50px]] [[Add Core]] {{Unofficial}}: Adds a Core from the [[Hide Matrix]] to the player's active Bakugan.*[[File:DrawaCard icon.png|50px]] [[Draw]]: Draws one or more cards from the top of the player's deck.*[[File:Double Strike Icon.png|50px]] [[DoubleStrike]]: Makes your Bakugan deal double their damage on Victor.*[[File:Icon-DoubleGear.png|50px]] [[Dual Baku-Gear]]: Enables a [[Baku-Gear Card]] to be equipped as a second Baku-Gear.*[[File:FrostStrike Icon.png|50px]] [[FrostStrike]]: Causes the opponent's flip cards to cost more [[Energy]].*[[File:Remove Core Icon.png|50px]] [[Remove Core]] {{Unofficial}}: Removes a Core from the [[Hide Matrix]] from an opposing active Bakugan.*[[File:Symbol Reroll.png|50px]] [[Reroll]]: Allows the Bakugan to Reroll on miss.*[[File:Scan Icon.png|50px]] [[Scan]]: Lets the player look at the top card of their deck, and either leave it on top or put it at the bottom of their deck.*[[File:ShadowStrike Icon.png|50px]] [[ShadowStrike]]: Makes a Bakugan unable to have its [[B-Power]] or [[Damage]] reduced.*[[File:Steal Core Icon.png|50px]] [[Steal Core]] {{Unofficial}}: Takes a core from an opposing active Bakugan and adds it to the player's active Bakugan.*[[File:Team Attack Symbol.png|50px]] [[Team Attack]] (Keyword): Forces a Team Attack.===Tag-Word Abilities===*[[File:Victor symbol.png|50px]] [[Victor]]: Activates special effects when the Brawl is won by the Player.*[[File:Team Attack Symbol.png|50px]] [[Team Attack]] (Tag-Word): Activates special effects when a Team Attack is initiated by the Player.