
From The Bakugan Wiki

Bakugan: The Evo Tournament

20 bytes added, 09:54, 22 February 2022
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[[Marucho]], while browsing the internet and chatting with other people, gets word of the secretive Evo Tournament. Dan and Drago think this is the perfect way for an evolution, but [[Runo]] gets suspicious of the current champion. In the Evo Tournament, players each bet a set amount of [[Gs]] each round. The winner get his/her Gs back while the loser's Gs go into a pot. The champion of the Tournament will be given all the Gs that were previously lost.
However, people competing in these tournaments start losing their memory of [[Bakugan]], including Dan, [[Shun]] , and [[Julie]]. The Bakugan competing in these tournaments also lose memory plus their ability to speak. In the end, Dan and Runo face the champion [[Katie Lowery]] and her [[Mecha Chamelia]], two on one. During that battle they found out that it has been Mecha [[Chamelia]] that has been erasing people's memories.
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[[Category:Bakugan: The Evo Tournament]]
[[Category:Bakugan Battle Brawlers]]