From The Bakugan Wiki
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{{For|the exclusive Bakugan given out via Spin Master promotional events|Variant#Limited Edition}}
'''Ultra Rare''' Bakugan are limited edition Bakugan that are translucent and come with a unique dealing. They are distinct from "Limited Edition" Bakugan, as the former is only available through Spin Master promotion, but Ultra Rare Bakugan are were planned for store shelves. They also come in special packaging, with a unique design and a "1/500" sticker ("1/1000 " for ''[[Geogan Rising|GR]] bakugan'' releases).
==Known Ultra Rare Bakugan==
{| border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"
! scope="col" colspan="7"|Ultra Rare Bakulog
|[[File:Pyrus Dragonoid Core Limited Edition Packaging.jpg|125px]]
|{{Power}}TBD400|TBD 4 {{Damage}}
|[[File:Pyrus Darkus Dragonoid x Tretorous Limited Edition Packaging.jpg|125px]]
|{{Power}}TBD600|TBD 1 {{Damage}}
|[[File:Ultra Rare Aquos Stardox package.jpg|125px]]
|{{Power}}TBD1400|TBD 5 {{Damage}}