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===[[BakuTech! Bakugan (Anime)]]===
Zakuro makes his debut in the [[Sechs Tavanel!|fifteenth episode]]. Therein, he was seen as a malicious silhouette that suddenly brought the Bakugan Juku and Bakugan Dojo to ruins. The [[Zakuro Invades|following episode]], Zakuro demands for [[Sechs Tavanel]] and exhibits the power of his two Guardian BakuTech Partner Bakugan by overpowering and destroying the Grif Brothers' respective Guardian BakuTechPartner Bakugan.
In the later episodes, Zakuro's Bone Skuls was strategically defeated by Raichi's [[Hollow Munikis]]. He also lost his brawl against Harubaru despite [[Savac|Savac's]] curse on[[ Rise Dragaon]]. He surrendered on purpose in the last round of the brawl against Harubaru but challenged everyone in the Dojo to fight him in the Tavanel Cup.
===[[BakuTech! Bakugan]]===
Zakuro is the leader of the BakuThieves and the mysterious person which [[Harubaru Hinode|Harubaru]] and his friends are after. He uses the [[Darkus (Legacy)|Darkus]] attribute and his Guardian Partner Bakugan are [[Dio Sivac]] and [[Bone Skuls]]. His capability is tremendous that he easily defeated [[Raichi Kuronashi|Raichi]] and the Grif brothers by himself. After that, he confronted Harubaru, whose strong heart he does not understand because he believes in the power of darkness.
This caused Harubaru to challenge him one-on-one in the BakuTech colliseo, which he expected.
*[[Darkus (Legacy)|Darkus]] [[Dio Sivac]] (guardianPartner Bakugan)*Darkus [[Bone Skuls]] (guardianPartner Bakugan)
*Darkus [[Seis Tavanel]]
*Darkus [[Sanzu Hollowbos]]