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His Name is Mister Down

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Mister Down approaches the Bakugan Dojo, intimidating Mister Up that he will have to take over. Mister Up beckons him.
Tatsuma relates to the viewers that another man who's just like Mister Up appears all of a sudden to the Bakugan Dojo. Tatsuma is worried that the man might be as strong as Mister Up whose Kachia Gell really showed Harubaru, Raichi, their Guardian Partner Bakugan as well as Tatsuma's Gif Jinryu a hard lesson in brawling. Tatsuma reiterates to the viewers that the man he is talking about is none other than Mister Down.
Harubaru wonders about who these mysterious guys really are. Raichi's guess is just as good as Harubaru's. Mister Up asks Mister Down if he's already done with teaching the students of Bakugan Juku a lesson. Mister Down affirms and tosses to Mister Up the Guardian Partner Bakugan of the Shadow Sanjushi. This is much to the surprise of the young boys of the Bakugan Dojo that the ninja trio has been dealt with much earlier than them and they are now the next in the list. Mister Down asks to take over in dealing with the kids at the Bakugan Dojo but Mister Up insists that he isn't done yet with them. Mister Down criticizes Mister Up that the latter is just wasting their time and with that, a fight erupted between the two men. Just when Tatsuma thought that it was going to be a violent fistfight, the two men clashed their heads and went for a [ Jakkenpon] which Mister Down won with paper against rock after five turns. Mister Down announces that Mister Up lost that one and asked him to clear the damaged table and get a new one. Mister Up orders the reluctant "Tatsujin" to help him do it.
Outside the Dojo, Mister Down reminisces by the iron bell. Harubaru asks him if he too was a student of the Bakugan Dojo but Mister Down did not revealed much about what he knew or who he is. Harubaru then makes mention of aiming to be the top student of Master Shimo. When Mister Down inquires about Master Shimo, Harubaru introduced him as their master.