
From The Bakugan Wiki

Wind Metal Sole

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Harubaru runs to one of the two barriers and positioned his Rise Dragaon to shoot the two swiftly-moving Bakugan which were revealed to be Master Odore's Win Dmill and Master Grizz's Hagger Doguma. Harubaru shoots Rise Dragaon and hits Win Dmill but it was futile as Win Dmill just deflected Dragaon back to Harubaru. Raichi takes his turn and aims for Hagger Doguma. Win Dmill stands in a floating Gate Card and fends off Hollow Munikis, throwing it back to Raichi's hand. Harubaru takes his turn and uses a special shooting skill "BakuTech Yaku Ichimonji Shinari Uchi" (Burning Straight Line Bending Shoot). This time, Hagger Doguma stands in a floating Gate Card and catches Dragaon with its Hug Bear technique. Hagger Doguma expands its arms to absorb the tremendous impact and throws Dragaon back to Harubaru.
With their shooting attempts futile, Harubaru tried to think of another way to get through. However, the three rampaging Gigantic Bakugan had already knocked out and broke free from the standing Bakugan upstairs. Harubaru calls on to Raichi for them to shoot altogether at the same time. Harubaru thinks that Dragaon and Munikis have enough power to break through Dmill and Doguma. The Gigantic Sha Nozchi knocks out the Gigantic Gigan Taures down the stairs, causing Tatsuma to cry out for his two friends that are in an extremely dangerous situation. Putting their faith in their respective Guardian Partner Bakugan, Raichi and Harubaru shoot at the same time. They successfully inflicted Critical K.O. on the two Masters' Bakugan. Tatsuma happily announced the result as Dragaon and Munikis stood triumphant in the floating Gate Cards.
Just when they thought its over, the two Gigantic Darkus Bakugan rolled off down the staircase. Tatsuma cried out for them and a flash of light was able to save them just in time. The three were returned to the temple with their Sechs Tavanel floating back to them. Their Tavanel noticeably having a new Metal Sole part. The two masters voices float in the air, warning the two boys that there exists a [[Seis Tavanel]] which they would encounter in the Tavanel Cup. The two masters bid them good-bye, bestowing them their blessings in the form of the Wind Metal Sole. The illusory temple vanished and the three boys returned to the alleyways.