From The Bakugan Wiki
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{{Cleanup}}The '''Bakugan Authorized Championships''' , or '''BAC''', were a set of promotional Bakugan events and tournaments in Japan during the run of ''[[BakuTech! Bakugan (Anime)|BakuTech! Bakugan]]''. ==Event==This matches were hosted and judged by performers who played [[Master Shimo]] and [[Hono Moetaro]], characters from the [[BakuTech! Bakugan|BakuTech manga]]. ===Event History===Over the course of its run, the BAC hosted a number of special events at different stores. These events often featured rewards such as exclusive prize Bakugan.<ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20130702232255/http://www.bakugan.jp/event/event.html</ref> *爆スロン:いろいろなシュートミッションをクリアすべし。*ガチ爆:同時シュートによるカンタンルールの新次元バトル。*タヴァネルカップ~爆丸エリアチャンピオン決定戦~:ガチ爆やアルティメットバトルトーナメント大会が開催されるスペシャルなイベントだ!*アルティメットバトル:参加者同士で勝ち抜きバトルができる。*アルティメットバトルトーナメント:トーナメント形式で行う究極の爆丸バトルだ! Not every store held every event. Stores often only held two or three out of the total pool of events.<ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20130702232255/http://www.bakugan.jp/event/event.html BAC event listing for summer 2013]</ref> ===Rulings==={{For|a list of cards and card combinations that were banned or restricted by BAC|Banned Card#Japan}}The official matches of the BAC included a list of restricted or banned cards. ==Gallery==<gallery widths="120" captionalign="left">Honoo_Moetaro_IRL.jpeg|Hono Moetaro (front)Honoo_Moetaro_IRL2.jpegbakuganfamily_autograph_Honoo_Moetaro.jpg|Cards autographed by Hono MoetaroMaster_Shimo_IRL.jpg|Master Shimobakuganfamily_autograph_Master_Shimo.jpg|Cards autographed by Master Shimo</gallery>