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==Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia==
Marucho returns in [[New Vestroia]], following Dan and [[Drago (Dan Kuso)|Drago]] into the new world. When the [[Vexos]] attack first against Dan and [[Mira Fermin]], he stands back and observes the new way of battling.
Marucho later goes to the [[Bakugan Battle Brawlers Resistance]] headquarters and gains new clothes. By [[Marucho's Mission]], he's disappointed with himself, as he is part of the Resistance, yet doesn't have an Aquos Bakugan. Marucho decides to leave for a bit so that he can look for one.
He was revealed to have finally released Bakugan Interspace to the entire world, and was ranked #3 on the Interspace rankings. He gave Jake his first Bakugan, which is a digital copy of Subterra Coredem, the Subterra Bakugan that arrived in Bakugan Interspace when it received the "Unknown Data."
In a tag brawl with Dan against [[Sid Arkale]] and [[Lena Isis]], Marucho did not last long, as Akwimos ended up showing a weakness to [[Phosphos]]'s venom. Marucho was able to help [[Drago (Dan Kuso)|Drago]] by nullifying [[Sid]]'s Gate Card, allowing Dan to win the brawl.
After Fabia's battle against Jesse, Ren runs away without admitting that the Gundalians are the ones that attacked the Neathians, and Marucho is the only one that believes that Ren is innocent. He then battled Ren and revealed his new battle gear, Gigarth. He won and realized that Ren was lying the whole time.