From The Bakugan Wiki
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|voiced by = [[Takayuki Sugo]] (Japanese)<br />[[Jason Deline]] (English)
'''Neo Dragonoid''', {{Nihongo|'''Dragonoid'''|ドラゴノイド|''Doragonoido''}} in the Japanese version, is a [[Bakugan]] created by the [[Legendary Soldiers]] as [[Drago (Dan Kuso)|Drago]]'s new body, as well as the [[Partner Bakugan]] of [[Dan Kuso]] in ''[[Bakugan: New Vestroia]]'', until his evolution to [[Cross Dragonoid]].
*575 G steel Neo Dragonoid which can be bought with a Neo Dragonoid figure.
*Bronze Special Attack Pyrus Neo Dragonoids at 650 Gs can be found only at Wal-Mart.
==Trading Card Game==
{{Neo Dragonoid Cardlog}}
==Video Games==
{{Bakugan 2}}