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Facing Ace

1,106 bytes added, 20:59, 4 April 2023
Dan Kuso Vs Ace Grit
* '''Ace Life Force''': 500 Points (100%)
'''<u>Ace throws his [[Gate Card]] and [[Percival]]. (Power: 450 Gs)</u>'''
<u>'''Dan throws out [[Neo Dragonoid|Drago]] ([[Neo Dragonoid (Generation 1)|Neo Dragonoid]]). (Power: 400 Gs)'''</u>
Ace wins this round.
====Round 2====
* '''Dan Life Force''': 450 Points (90%)
* '''Ace Life Force''': 500 Points (100%)
<u>'''Dan throws out his [[Gate Card]] and [[Neo Dragonoid|Drago]] ([[Neo Dragonoid (Generation 1)|Neo Dragonoid]]). (Power: 400 Gs)'''</u>
'''<u>Ace throws [[Percival]]. (Power: 450 Gs)</u>'''
Ace activates '''Darkus Driver'''. (Percival 450 - 650 Gs)
Dan activates '''Burning Dragon'''. (Drago 400 - 600 Gs)
Dan opens his [[Gate Card]] ('''Pyrus Reactor'''). (Drago 600 - 750 Gs)
Ace activates '''Tri-Gunner'''. (Percival 650 - 950 Gs)
Dan activats '''Burning Dragon'''. (Drago 750 - 950 Gs)
Dan then activates the [[Fusion Ability]] '''Pyrus Slayer'''. (Drago 950 - 1250 Gs) (Percival 950 - 850 Gs)
Ace activates '''Night Explorer'''. (Drago 1250 - 950 Gs)
* '''Ace Life Force''': 80%
'' Most of the battle is skipped ''.
==== Unknown Round ====
Percival and Drago are shown to have an equal Power level (1400 Gs). Ace and Dan's Life Force is likewise equal at 10%. The round ends in a draw.
Ace and Dan prepare for another round but they both collapse of exhaustion, terminating the battle.
==Character Debuts==