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85 bytes added, 05:46, 11 October 2023
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*She is also the only Gundalian to have blue skin tone.*Her personality can be somehow compared to that of [[Mylene Farrow]] of the [[Vexos]], as they are both the only female members in their organizations, with the exception that Kazarina is the only female member in main [[Twelve Orders]], while [[Lena]] and [[Zenet]] are in the Minor Twelve Orders and both . Both are very loyal to the tyrannical leaders of their homeworlds, ([[Mylene]] was loyal to [[King Zenoheld]] and Kazarina is very loyal to [[Emperor Barodius]]), both are noticeably more psychotic than their teammates, and they both dieddue to their own hubris.
*Her name has a similar pronunciation as the word [[wiktionary:czarina|czarina]], a word that means an Eastern European empress, which reflects her position as the highest-ranked female member of the [[Twelve Orders]].
*She seems to have affection toward [[Barodius]], as hinted when she told [[Nurzak]] that she hoped that he would make her his queen and in the Japanese version, before she dies she says his name. [[Barodius]] might return these feelings since he killed [[Gill]] when he found out about Kazarina's death.