
From The Bakugan Wiki
Character Series
==Character Series==
*[[1-10a]] - The first series of [[BakuSteel Trap]] associated Ability Cards.
*[[1-4b (BakuSteel Trap)]] - The second series of [[BakuSteel Trap]] associated Ability Cards.
*[[1-4a (Mechtogan)]]- Ability Cards for the first wave of [[Mechtogan]].*[[1-4a (Advanced Mechtogan)]]- Ability Cards from the Mechtavius Destroyer set.*[[1-2c]]- Ability Cards for the first wave of [[Mechtogan Titan]].*[[1-5d]]- Ability Cards for the second wave of Mechtogan.*[[1-5e]]- Ability Cards for the third wave of Mechtogan.*[[1-2f]]- Ability Cards for the second wave of Mechtogan Titan.*[[1-4g]]- Ability Cards for the the fourth wave of Mechtogan.
==Reference Series==