
From The Bakugan Wiki

Helios MK2

122 bytes added, 22 January
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; Ability Cards
* '''Defuse Quasar''': Returns the opponent's power level back to its base level and adds 300 [[Gs]] to Helios MK2.
* '''[[カオス・パワード・キャノン Chaos Powered Cannon|Chaos Power Cannon]]''': Subtracts 400 Gs from the opponent.
* '''Chaos Boost Cannon''' (''also known as'' ''Chaos Cannon in the dub''): Transfers 400 Gs from the opponent to Helios MK2.
* '''Dragon Pincer''' (''Dragon Claw in the Japanese version; also known/mistranslated/mispronounced as Dragon Pounce/Dragon Pulse in the dub''): Adds 600 Gs to Helios MK2.
* '''[[ブラックアウト・キャノン Blackout Cannon|Blackout Cannon]]''': Subtracts 400 Gs from each opponent and adds 400 Gs to Helios MK2.
* '''FARBAS EM''': Repairs all damage done to Helios MK2's body and makes his power level equal to his opponent's.
* '''Ragnarök Cannon''' (''also known/mistranslated/mispronounced as Laguna Rock Cannon/Rang Rock Cannon/Quanar Cannon in the dub''): Transfers 600 Gs from the opponent to Helios MK2.