
From The Bakugan Wiki

Haidoro Taifūn (Hydro Typhoon)

910 bytes added, 21 February
Created page with "{{JGAC |name = Hydro Typhoon (ハイドロ・タイフーン Haidoro Taifūn) |image = 300px |condition = Exclusive ability card for All-Attribute B..."
|name = Hydro Typhoon (ハイドロ・タイフーン Haidoro Taifūn)
|image = [[File:BB187 ev42 57.png|300px]]
|condition = Exclusive ability card for All-Attribute Blast Vega.<br />This ability card is used during battle.<br />(全属性ブラスト・ヴェガ専用アビリティカード。<br />このアビリティカードはバトル中に使用する。)
|effect = Your Blast Vega gains +200.<br />Additionally, all Bakugan standing on adjacent gate cards are returned to their owners' hands.<br />(自分のブラスト・ヴェガは、+200を得る。さらに隣接しているゲート<br />カードにスタンドしているすべての爆丸を、手元に戻す。)
|series = BakuTech
|Power_P = N/A
|Power_A = N/A
|Power_S = N/A
|Power_H = N/A
|Power_D = N/A
|Power_V = N/A
|card series = [[Ev1-57|ev42/57]]

==Featured With==
*[[Aquos#Legacy|Aquos]] [[Elico]] in Bakugan form